LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "A Month Of Sundays" Edition
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Welcome to new readers and veterans alike.
All week long I read all kinds of things about all kinds of people, businesses, happenings, and ideas. Only about 15 or 20 make it into this newsletter each Sunday. That's called "curating." It used to be called "picking," "selecting," or "choosing." If you wanted to be fancy about it you'd say "editing." Or "throwing slightly crappier things away" if you wanted to be not so fancy. Now, with social media, blogs, and websites there are so many places to put things that there is almost no such thing as what we (old-ish people) used to call "the cutting room floor."
Once upon a time, God and/or a huge explosion made the World. On the 8th day, a Hollywood God invented DVD Extras, which is what the cutting room floor stuff first got turned into. More recently, Silicon Valley Dudes, aka God 2.0, invented social media so now everything goes everywhere and nothing is ever thrown away.
The stuff is just "repurposed," which is a word that replaced "recycled," which replaced "just throw it on the trash heap and hope it disappears."
Here is a piece for you that I did not have throw on the trash heap. It most likely should have been "curated" into the 15 or 20 general News & Insights items below. But it's about me, not someone else, so I am putting it here. Not only is it about me, it's about me "curating" The LZ Sunday Paper. And now it's in the LZ Sunday Paper. That makes it very "meta" -- which in olden times we would have called "redundant" or even "annoying."
Now here is another clip belongs in the general compendium below as well, but I just like it so much I am going to highlight it here:
Former Hooters Waitress Awarded $250,000 In 'Blond Hair Streaks' Lawsuit via The Root
In last week's newsletter, my Quiz entitled "Did I overhear this at The International Auto Show or 'Fast & Furious 7'? " was very popular. So here's another, but with only one question:
Which of the following do I have?
A) The right to put "former waitress" on my resume
B) Hooters
C) A $250,000 settlement from a lawsuit with a former Employer
D) Blond Streaks
E) None of the above
Faithful Readers who know me, and a quick Google search for those of you who don't, can certainly narrow down your choices. I'll give you a hint: the answer is B.
Final note: by the time many of you read this, this will be old news. T-minus 19 months and counting!
For the next 19 months and maybe more, I anticipate that this newsletter will deliver items of interest regarding not only news of the Hillary's campaign, but other news and information about women in politics, business, entrepreneurship, media, music, sports, and pop culture--roughly in that order. Oh, and a laugh is pretty much guaranteed. Taste runs the gamut from high, to low, to NSFW.
You can find the most recent copy of the paper and the Archive at LZSundayPaper.com.
You can send me a note or an item you think I should see at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
Look for the stuff on the cutting room floor-- no wait i mean my Tweets and re-Tweets-- all week long @LZSundayPaper.
Enjoy the read, and again-- welcome to our newest readers-- spread the word!
U.S. Postal Service Releases Maya Angelou Stamp With Quote From Another Author via The Washington Post
More Stuff That Maya Angelou Didn't Say via Kotaku.com
Ellen Pao Reaction To Kleiner Case, Workplace Sexism, and Running Reddit via The Wall Street Journal
Reddit CEO Ellen Pao, Feminist Hero, Eliminates Salary Negotiations For New Employees via Mashable
On The Iran Deal: Sanctions Have Long Hurt Women And We Should Lift Them via Feministing
In Spite Of A 'Boys Club' Industry, Women Are Advancing In Ad Tech via AdWeek
Fox News Enigma Megyn Kelly Slams Rand Paul's Sexist Behavior via Jezebel
Janice Min Pulls The Curtain On Hollywood via NPR.com via Marketplace.org
Why Aren't There More Female Uber and Lyft Drivers? via Forbes
Women In Business: Chief Strategy Officer, Pandora via Huffington Post
The Real Real Raises $40 Million To Double Sales In 2015 via Fashionista
The Truth About Handbags via The Business of Fashion
NFL's First Female Ref: I'm Here To Make Calls, Not Make History via People
The Power Of An All-Woman Mariachi Band via The Atlantic
The Trouble With Dove: #ChooseBeautiful and The Escalation Of Dove Commercials via The Washington Post
When A Plane Seat Next To A Woman Is Against Orthodox Faith via The New York Times
Darren Sharper Will Have His Genitals Monitored By Arizona Officials As Part Of His Plea Deal via Complex
At 17, Lydia Ko Is Already The World's Top Ranked Golfer via The Wall Street Journal
Frances Bean Cobain On Life After Kurt's Death: An Exclusive Q&A via Rolling Stone
The Godmother Of American Medicine via The Atlantic
Watch Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin In Netflix Comedy 'Grace and Frankie' Trailer via Variety
At 92, Liz Smith Reveals How Rupert Murdoch Fired Her, and How It Felt To Be Outed via Hollywood Reporter
Portraits Of Men Wearing Their Girlfriends' Clothes via Feature Shoot
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The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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