LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Amplified" Edition
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Dear Subscribers,
Last week I outlined some steps to take towards becoming anti-racist through the concept of being an anti-racist ally. There are lots of great articles to read specifically about this.
This week, I would like to continue to elevate strong voices that are at the intersection of female and Black.
And I urge you to donate your time and/or money by volunteering or supporting any number of great organizations that stand at that crossroads. Here are three that I like and support:
Dr. Ruth Simmons is the President of Prairie View A&M University. Prior to that, she was the first African American President of an Ivy League university. Prior to that, she was the President of Smith College, where she started the first engineering department ever at a women's college. I think she is a fantastic leader and this is a Historically Black University with a tremendously interesting history.
The Loveland Therapy Fund provides financial assistance to Black women and girls, nationally, who are seeking therapy. It was started by Rachel Cargle who herself is an authoritative voice that I follow, devoted to the study of issues at the intersection of race and womanhood.
The National Black Women's Justice Institute works to reduce racial and gender disparities across the justice continuum. Mass incarceration and the systemically racist manifestations of the legal system have a devastating effect on the accused, the convicted, the imprisoned, and their families, for life.
The Black Futures Lab.This organization is committed to changing the way political power is organized in communities -- locally, state- and nationwide. Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter and a Principal of the Black Futures Lab did a deep and meaningful exploration in a segment on WYNC's The Brian Lehrer Show. Take a listen and support this great organization.
Please send me other thoughts, resources, and texts along with any articles, photos, or videos to me here.
Some people have time, some people have money. Some have neither, some have both. I don't have a Time-o-meter to measure your capacity for volunteering, marching, phone-banking, or the like. But this week I have created a handy Money-o-meter to help you gauge, perhaps, the right level for you to consider donating to a worthy charity that stretches you beyond your normal giving routine, whether that be to a political candidate, arts organization, or academic institution of your choice.
Simply play this simple game of BINGO, cross off your squares, and add up your winnings. But in this case instead of keeping the proceeds, turn right around and connect your mind to your heart to your PayPal account.
Good Luck!
If you can spend $20 for a yoga drop-in class or you've Amazon-ed yourself into oblivion during quarantine, I hope you've played the game, added up these squares and can now be moved to donate to any charity of your choice. This week, I hope the choice will go to benefit any of the places I suggest or a plethora of other Black Lives Matter cause-related choices.
I continue to commit to bringing us the most important news of the week for women in the world. Politics, business, justice, the arts and pop culture. Trying to find even some joy and gratitude every week, as we elevate great, diverse female voices. This week is the list of important links to news of the week is shorter, to give you time to play your Bingo, research these resources and dive deep into the writings and voices of some of these important women. But the news sure keeps on coming. Read on.
If you are not already, click here to become a subscriber.
I have these and other resources listed on my social handles and will seek to update them as I discover and learn more.
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Be safe,
Where Is The Outrage For Breonna Taylor? via Zora
8 Female Journalists On Reporting While Black, With The Weight Of History On Their Shoulders via Glamour
Your Black Colleagues May Look Like They're Okay. Chances Are They're Not. via Refinery29
Historic Wins For Women Of Color As Nation Protests Systemic Racism via The New York Times
Ferguson, MO picks Ella Jones As First African-American and First Woman Mayor via The St. Louis Dispatch
My Black Ancestors Fled America For Freedom. I Left Canada To Find A Home. Now Both Countries Must Fight For A Better World via The Globe and Mail
Black Birding Is About Hope via The Cut
Chris Cooper Is My Brother. Here's Why I Posted His Video via The New York Times
Now I Understand Why My Parents Were So Strict via The Atlantic
22 Must-Read Books By Contemporary Black Female Authors via Booklist Queen
How To Talk To Your Parents About Black Lives Matter via Cosmopolitan
Marie Van Brittan Brown via Blackpast.org
7 Black Female Stand-Up Specials On Netflix Worth Re-Watching via Decider
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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