LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Another Reason Not To Get A Tattoo " Edition
Subway Bill Cunningham: Bold Check, Spring 2014
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I've given my kids lots of reasons not to get a tattoo, but I overlooked this one: don't get your employer's logo imprinted on your body, because there's always the possibility of later getting summarily shit-canned, and thus being a veritable self-branded, leaned-in, thrown-out Hester Prynne with a Scarlet T.
But how different is that those people we know (or watch on TV like Tamra Barney of The Real Housewives) who tattoo their boyfriend's/spouses' names and then break up and have to have it laser'ed off? Not very different at all.
Teachable moment, kids: most things that make for a terrific reality show plot are something to avoid in real life. Other examples I give which seem to have resonance are:
Look past your lithe, young, 3-sport varsity athlete bodies and look ahead to…most any person's 40+ body you see on the beach, including your 3-kid varsity mother's. Then, imagine what's going on beneath that tasteful tankini.
If that image doesn't keep you away from St. Mark's Place, try thinking about all the items of clothing or accessories you've ever loved. Especially those you've spent hard-earned allowance or baby-sitting money on. Let's say Crocs. And let's say instead of just buying them, you had those surgically implanted on your feet. And then…you got…tired of them. Or, they didn't go with your outfit. Or, even worse, they became deeply uncool.
Or, we turn to religion. Aside from granting us an innate taste for lox, the Jewish God has also noted that tattoos don't look good on old people. That's why they're prohibited, as per Leviticus 19:28. Maimonides and I agree.
And if that fails, we resort to talk of (wholly fictional and imagined) capricious and controlling mothers who might turn around and call their trust & estate lawyer to insert anti-tattoo language in the will.
I liked the VH1 logo at my first job in 1994. A year later, we rebranded. Would I have had to get another tattoo? Even worse, like Crocs, the realization of its deep uncoolness would have been hard to live with for eternity. On my body. Especially after I left 6 years later.
For the record, as they say in the journalism business, no one cared much about this article about Jill Abramson's tattoos when it was written about a month ago.
They do now.
The LZ Sunday Paper has an awesome masthead. We don't recommend getting it tattooed anywhere on your body. We will continue to deliver All The News That's Fit To re-Print about women in business, media, and culture. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send us stuff you think we may have missed, and tell people you think will enjoy it to sign up, at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
Barbara Walters: A View From The Top via Vanity Fair
Jill Abramson's Firing Was Singularly Humiliating via The New Republic
To Young Women Of The New York Times, Jill Abramson Was Everything via Slate
Editing While Female: Field Notes From One Of Journalism's Most Dangerous Jobs via Politico
Deja Vu: The Leading Editor Of France's Newspaper Is Fired via The Washington Post
One Topless Photo Shows Everything That Is Wrong With the #BringBackOurGirls Campaign via PolicyMic
This Is Not The Nigeria I Know via Medium
Cultural Dysfunction: The Lack Of Women In VC via Beta Boston
Adventures In Entrepreneurship: It's Different For Girls via HeidiRoizen.com
Teach Your Daughters Money Lessons They Won't Forget via Forbes
Women In Technology: No Progress On Inequality For 10 Years via HereIsTheCity.com
I Went On Ashley Madison To Find Out Why Women Cheat via The Daily Dot
Why Fashion Is The Next Big Thing In Venture Capital via The Business of Fashion
Grace Of Monaco: Cannes Opens With A Royal Biopic Worse Than Diana via The Guardian
Kristen Stewart Discusses Her Directorial Debut via Rolling Stone
Slated: Fighting Film Gender Bias With Data via Hope For Film
Is Lorde's Teen Dream Fairytale Over? via Grantland
Pinterest Users Remain Almost Exclusively Female via VentureBeat
The Secrets Of A NastyGal via Fast Company
Veteran Toy Designer Wrestles With The Industry's Gender Divide via Collectors Weekly
Grande Dames Of The Gardens via The New York Times
How Monica Lewinsky Changed The Media via The Daily Beast
Women On Men: Cartoons By Lisa Donnelly via Narrative Magazine.com
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The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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