LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Birthday" Edition
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Some blogs ask for subscribers' dates of birth during the registration process. Yes, it gives you more "data" if you are running your blog business like an actual business. Others are more heartfelt, or maybe just less overtly using their subscribers for ad- and product-targeting. The blog-writer just says "Happy Birthday" to a special friend once in a while. Readers seem to respond insanely happily and proudly when they are mentioned. I'm sorry I don't do that, readers.
You know what? I'm going to start right now and wish myself a very Happy Birthday! It's tomorrow.
I have never been much of a birthday person. Meaning, I've had tons of fun celebrations when the day falls on a weekend or I'm in the mood to celebrate, or someone really wants to throw me a party. But I don't think of it as a sacrosanct day where time has to stop and I. must. enjoy. my. special. day.
At work, it always amazed me that there were people who took the day off for their birthday. Like literally, no matter what else was going on. That's intense to insist on having a special "me" day in the midst of all kinds of heck breaking loose. But hey that's why God and HR invented "personal days."
Other folks are unabashed about actually hating their birthday. They say they know they're gonna be kind of depressed going into their birthday week, maybe angry, maybe weepy. Then ultimately the day would pass and they would rebound and feel much better right away, until the next year rolled around.
I actually understand both ways of feeling and have experienced that range of emotions at various times!
I'm very happy that tomorrow I can share my birthday with people celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s, whose birthday is actually January 15th. I share my actual day of birth with quite a cavalcade of stars. My favorite is Cary Grant. But I am very excited by the range of folks who share(d) my special day! A.A. Milne, Jason Segel, Burnie Burns, Mark Messier, Oliver Hardy, and Danny Kaye, amongst others. Weirdly, I cannot find any famous women (or at least famous in a way that would make me know them) born on the 18th.
I am thinking alot about birthdays because one of the things I'm working on is a platform to create, collaborate on, and share special commemorations including birthdays, but also births, anniversaries, and memorials. It's really cool and, we think, something that's missing from our digital options today.
So now in the meantime, I've dug up all the birthdays me and Facebook know about: happy birthday to subscribers and/or friends: Monica H., Susanna A., Jenny S., Jennifer A., David Z., David S., Orlando R., Justin Z., Alex S., Wayne I., Bill F., and Abby T! What a party already! Here is your birthday present, this week's list of interesting and important pieces by and about--but not exclusively for-- women in business, politics, digital, media, film, tv, fashion, sports, and pop culture. Roughly in that order. Hand-picked. Hand-wrapped in a new birthday masthead. By me. For you. Exchangeable, if not returnable.
Please send me any items of interest, questions/comments, or tell me your birthday so I can give you a shoutout: here. I think you can use this link to tweet or share this edition of the newsletter -- but sometimes it's broken. If so, apologies, and I will try to fix it.
Do peruse the back catalogue for the issues you missed, forward the Paper to someone you think would enjoy it, or sign up at LZSundayPaper.com.
Sometimes there's so much interesting stuff out there I can't wait 'til Sunday so I tweet it during the week. Follow me @LZSundayPaper.
Oh, guess what I didn't get for my birthday: the Powerball jackpot. Nor did I win the Hamilton Lottery. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
See you next week, maybe from Sundance!
ESPN Hires Jessica Mendoza For Sunday Night Baseball via NPR
Panel Reasserts Mammogram Advice That Triggered Breast Cancer Debate via The New York Times
Ta-Nehisi Coates on Bill Cosby And His Enablers via The Atlantic
84% Of Women In Tech Have Been Told They're Too Aggressive via Jezebel
Watch: Pinterest's Tracy Chou Talks Diversity In Silicon Valley via Colorlines
Underarmour Tumbles After Analyst Says It Has A Woman Problem via The Business of Fashion
Women Rarely Reach Tops In Tech, Despite Signs That Diversity Pays via The San Francisco Chronicle
Study: Bias Against Female Instructors via Inside Higher Ed
An 'Eat, Pray, Love' Story Ends In Murder via The Daily Beast
10 Original Movies Hollywood Could Make If It Wanted To via Huffington Post
5 Great Feminist Moments From The 2016 Golden Globes via Ms. Magazine
Must Watch: The Ruby Dee Documentary Is Coming To TV This Weekend via Madame Noire
Lana Turner: The Movie Star, the Gangster Boyfriend, and The Daughter With A Knife via Slate
Study Says Birkin Bag Is A Better Investment Than Stocks And Gold via The Business Of Fashion
The Gender Trap In Audio Production via Performer Magazine
#Where's Rey And The Big Star Wars Toy Controversey, Explained via Vox
The Astonishing Reason Women Are Excluded From Making Sushi, And How That's Changing via Upworthy
The Guerilla Girls Call Out Artworld Moneymakers On Stephen Colbert's Show via Artnet
Why Anne Of Green Gables Is A Patron Saint Of Female Outsiders via Slate
Why Are There So Few Girls In Children's Books? via The Washington Post
The Forgotten Queen Of The Paris Art World: Leonor Fini via MessyNessyChic
Every Time Heidi Eats Cheese In The Novel 'Heidi" via The Toast
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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