LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Bitter (Herbs)" Edition

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Dear Readers,
Greetings, especially to so many new subscribers this week! Mailchimp has let me know that you have signed up and signed on. What to expect? A short note from me giving you my own week in review. And then the most important news of the week from the perspective of what is important to, happens to, and gets written about, women.
Every so often, courtesy of our lunar calendar, Passover and Easter fall on the same weekend. Like many origin stories, there seem to be a lot of explanations for this. Some scientific, some mythic, some in between. If you participate in both celebrations, it makes for one heckuva busy week. That was certainly true for me, along with some little annoyances and big deals, literally.
This week, most importantly and most sadly, I continue to navigate the long-term care-giving needs and short-term hospital system for my Mom. For the many, many of you who know her, she's okay-- but the equation of near-92 + infection = not good. As a dear, dear friend of mine wrote to me, it is a tough moment when the lightbulb goes on and illuminates the fact that dispensing antibiotics can be viewed as a heroic, extraordinary medical effort. Her strength is inspiring, as it has been for as long as I can remember.
Of course I am thinking a lot about my childhood. Lots of memories, combined with thinking of news of the current week makes this the only Mueller Report I have the energy to read about.
Thank you to so many who, each week, send me articles, photos, or videos you think are interesting, important, or amusing here. In weeks like this, Julie, Jules, Nancy, David, David, Joanna, Emily, Kathryn, Adele, Charlie, Nancy, Karen, and so many others.
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Happy Easter and Passover. See you next week.
Lauren Z.

Beyonce's Black-Intellectual 'Homecoming' via The Atlantic
Beyonce's 'Homecoming' Is A Total Synthesis Of The Pop Arts via The New Yorker
The 'Heartbeat' Bills That Could Ban Almost All Abortions, Explained via Vox
Best Buy To Get Woman CEO, Majority Female Board via Directors & Boards
For The Man Behind Title IX, Listening and Acting Is The Best Form Of Allyship To Women via Quartz
A Penny For Her Thoughts? Women In The Gig Economy Struggle To Get Paid via Glamour
These Tech Execs Faced #MeToo Allegations. They All Have New Jobs. via BuzzFeed News
Tech Execs Deleted Their Blog Posts Addressing Their Sexual Misconduct Allegations via Gizmodo
Kim Kardashian West Is Taking The Bar Exam In 2022 via The Cut
Now There Is An Instagram Account Dedicated To Anna Delvey's Court Outfits via Refinery29
What Is A Grip? The Few Women Doing The Job In Hollywood Explain via The New York Times
'Wait, It Gets Worse,' Is A Guide For Living and Letting Go via Cancer Wellness
Boy Scouts Are Just Scouts Now, and That's Making Girl Scouts Mad via Bloomberg
How Domestic Workers Enable Well-Off Women To Prosper via The Atlantic
America's First Female Astronaut Candidate, Jerrie Cobb, Dies via The Air Force Times
Ten Women From The Bible's Exodus Narrative Have Lessons For Us via The Washington Post

The Difference Between Easter and Passover via The Internet
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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