LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Branding: A Day Too Far" Edition

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Dear Readers,
In case you are keeping track, today is "Sunday."
In un-related news, I am a big fan of "branding."
"Days of the week" and "Branding," like many other combinations of two individual things that are perfectly good on their own, will not be better when paired together.
Other examples include:
"AOL" and "Time Warner"
"Ben Affleck" and "Jennifer Lopez"
"Tevas" and "Socks"
When "Throwback" and "Thursday" came together (which was a surprisingly long time ago, actually) I was willing to go with it. Cute, safely self-deprecating. I usually forget to do it but frequently enjoy other people's.
When "Giving" and "Tuesday" united a couple of years ago, it was in reaction to "Black Friday" and "Cyber Monday." It is hard to come out against almost any reason to increase charitable giving, especially in the holiday season.
Things started to go awry when "Selfies" and "Sundays" started to be seen publically as a couple. I'm a person who sometimes enjoys selfie-ing as much as the next person. And clearly I am a fan of Sundays. However, I question whether or not we all need another excuse to take more selfies and whether or not we all need another activity to feel guilty about doing/not doing on Sunday.
I thought that "Freaky Friday" and "Wacky Wednesday" (itself formerly known as "Humpday") were working perfectly well. Now we also must endure the "Flashback Friday" and "Wayback Wednesday."
Are any of these days of the week feeling sad that they got re-branded, like so many cereal boxes and cable networks that have run out of ideas to get consumers to like them?
My other conclusion is that I need to see people portray themselves as the age that they actually are at least one day a week.
So I think that leaves Monday and Saturday as currently unbranded. My personal vote would go to #MemelessMonday so it could be left alone.
If any of the days of the week are feeling strapped, Saturday should consider naming rights. If it works for everything from Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week to the Capital One Orange Bowl, why can't we see Starbucks Saturday? Symantec, Steinway, Simon & Schuster, Skechers, Samsonite, Swingline, Sylvania, and Speedo would be right in line to replace anyone who dropped out.
By next week, Hanukkah will be in full swing, Christmas a few days away, and Kwanzaa just around the corner, so enjoy a quickie shopping guide in case you haven't yet crossed everything off your list. Like every week, we also have the best and most important pieces about women in business and culture. It's a bit abbreviated this week, to make room for the gift guide, but we always find room to -- hopefully -- make you laugh at least once.
Send any interesting items you see along the way, or think we may have missed. Tell us what you think. Tell people you think will enjoy it to sign up at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
Many of the articles we don't have room to include in the weekend edition are tweeted out all during the week! You can read them if you follow @LZSundayPaper.
Happy Holidays!
Women At Work: A Guide For Men via The Wall Street Journal
"I am convinced that women don't need more advice. Men do."

How To Shop For Women via Esquire
A Feminist Parent's Gift Guide via The Tired Feminist
Unique Gifts For Women via Real Simple
Shop The Grommet's Pop-In Shop via BostonMamas.com
20 Feminist Gifts So You Can Share The Joy Of Gender Equality via Bustle
Holiday Shopping Guide For The Feminist Fantasy Literary Genre Fan via Ya Interrobang
Rebel Girls Holigay Gift Guide 2014: From Feminist Pillows To Misandrist Mugs via Autostraddle
Stylish Gifts For Under $100 via Harper's Bazaar
Feminism Can Stand Without Jackie via Slate
"At this point, it is clear that Rolling Stone failed to meet its basic journalistic requirements many times over."
UVA's Heartening Response To The Rolling Stone Fiasco via Slate
"For once, there's actually some good news to report."
Getting To 'No' via The New York Times
"I considered him someone between a brute and an oaf, my own experience falling somewhere between assault and just a bad night."
Is There Any Progress In Diversifying Silicon Valley? via Bloomberg News
"What are the odds that…the absolute best people just happen to look exactly like the people doing the selection?"
12 Sailors Implicated In Submarine Scandal via USAToday
"The scandal is a major blight for a community that has touted an otherwise smooth effort to integrate women onto submarines."
Julianne Moore Works To Find The Person Inside The Struggle via The LA Times
"I'm not one of those seat-of-my-pants actors. If I ask someone a question on a movie and they say 'I don't know,' I'll ask, 'Why don't you know?'"
Watch: Jessica Chastain and Jennifer Aniston Weigh In On Hollywood's Problem With Female Writers via Indiewire
"Chastain rushes to respond and says it plainly. "It’s not a surprise anymore, it’s a fact: women perform great in the box office. Audiences want to see lead female characters." "
Victoria's Secret Omitted Ariana Grande From Getting Hit In The Face From Fashion Show via Jezebel
"a Victoria's Secret angel accidentally smacked me in the face with her wings and it was awesome"
How Women In Prison Use Sharpies & Jolly Ranchers To Make Make-Up via Refinery29
"M&Ms serve multiple fakeup needs: Mix the sweet candy-coated shells with hot water to make a lip stain."
There's A Woman Who Can Kick A Man's Ass and Everybody Around The World Knows It via Matter via Medium
"…mean-girl bursts of laughter loud enough to let the women in the living room know this was not innocuous laughter; this was assault. Trust me, I went to an all-girls high school."
Ms. Scarlet In The Bathroom With A Tampon via Matter via Medium
"All I want from a period app is fair warning of when I’m going to find myself inexplicably crying over an episode of House Hunters."

Science Says: Men Are Idiots via Salon
"A new study says men are much more likely to die doing really stupid things."

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The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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