LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Civil" Edition

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Greetings, Subscribers--
Hope you had a terrific weekend.
I got back from my work trip (west coast) and road trip (mid-south, deep south). Highlights included Lexington KY,; Nashville, TN; Birmingham, Selma and Montgomery, AL (no Roy Moore sightings, fyi); Asheville, NC; Shenandoah National Forest, VA; and New Dorp Lane, Staten Island (for an almost-home bakery pickup on Wednesday in preparation for the big event on Thursday).
It's trite to say, but getting the hell out of NY, LA, and San Fran and sleeping in a let's-see-where-we-get-to, best-motel-available type of situation does re-wake the senses. It is tempting to think that there are hipster, woke enclaves in most every town and city. I think there might be people who think differently, or at least know they are different from their surroundings or upbringing, but it is not always in evidence. It is also a relief to be in an irony-free zone, at least for a while. Though that gets deeply problematic pretty quick.
I'm a huge Hank Williams fan, but I'll spare you the brochure picture from the Hank Williams Museum featuring the super-grinning white hetero-fam surrounding the wooden Indian statue of Kaw-liga fame. And I couldn't quite get over the walking tour of Montgomery entitled The Civil Heritage Trail, combining a game-show like answer to "what follows the word 'Civil'?"
Rights! You got it right!!
War!! You also got it right-- everybody's a winner!
On the walking tour, you can see the tributes to the fine, fine people on both sides of the Civil-ity thing. From the brochure:
The President of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson Davis, delivered his inaugural address from the steps of the Alabama State Capitol Building on February 18, 1861. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his Address at the conclusion of the Selma to Montgomery March on March 25, 1965 from the very same steps. Both spoke with the passion of their times, as leaders of their national conflicts from the Alabama Capitol Building steps almost 100 years apart. One might consider this juxtaposition of opposites as a theme of the Civil Heritage Trail in Montgomery, Alabama. It is thought provoking, to say the least, that two of the most transformative movements in American history began in a relatively small town in Central Alabama.
"It is thought provoking, to say the least." Well, you can't argue with that.
If you're headed down that way, I can point you to great music, good bbq, and the best Holiday Inn Expresses of the Southeast. Mandatory: 24-hour hot water "tea station" was a nightly life-saver after our hours logged on the road.
For now, from downtown New York, New York, here is the week's best and most important news about and by women in the worlds of business, politics, and culture.
And, for the record of my own, Time Magazine did not ever call me to say that I was possibly the Person of The Year. I know for a fact they don't call to say "maybe." When they did call a few years ago, it was to say I was most definitely on the list of their 100 Most Influential People. It was surprising, for sure, but not maybe-ish. Martha Stewart writing my tribute was super-hilar. It was earnest and got me kind of right! The dinner was super-funsies. More stories for the book (that I will likely never write!).
If you want to get in touch with me for any kind of possible or probable or definite thing, use the tip-line here.
Follow me on Twitter to get a daily fix of LZSP inspo and/or general rantings and ravings.
I am on Insta @LZSundayPaper.
Or follow me @LZFloors There's always something interesting out there, even when things are looking down.
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Princeton Honors Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison By Dedicating 'Morrison Hall' via Blavity
One Year Ago: Mourning For Whiteness via The New Yorker
South African Court Doubles Oscar Pistorius' Prison Sentence via The Guardian
Anita Hill and Her 1991 Congressional Defenders to Joe Biden: You Were Part Of The Problem via The Washington Post
'Women Are Pissed': Trump Protest Turns To Action, and Surge In Female Candidates via The Guardian
86 Percent Of Women In Jail Are Sexual-Violence Survivors via Salon
Netflix's Disturbing Sexual Assault Hypocrisy via The Daily Beast
Here's The Funny Thing About All Of The 'Unfunny' Women via Refinery29
With 'One, Mississippi, The Moment For Women Storytellers Is Now via The Huffington Post
Vice Enlists Gloria Steinem For Female-Led Advisory Board, Amid Harassment Claims via The Hollywood Reporter
Annie Lenox Named Glasgow Caledonian University Chancellor via BBC
The Art Of Paying Attention via The New Yorker
Historically, Men Translated 'The Odyssey.' Here's What Happened When A Woman Took The Job via Vox
The Culture Is Changing With Feminist Cheese via The New York Times

Meet The Artist: Michelle Rial via Framebridge
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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