LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Convention-al" Edition
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Did you ever make a concerted effort to take a break from something, and you actually do, and you are very pleased with yourself and maybe even a little bit more relaxed? But then when you get back to the things you've taken a break from they are piled up higher than you ever thought they could have been?
Email inboxes come to mind. Callsheets, too. As well as laundry, dustballs, and catalogs in mailboxes. So now it's back to work, of a sort. Projects, panels; start-ups, speeches; fundraising, films; travel, tv shows; and maybe some other alliteratives that I will think of, too. I have my fingers in so many pies I may need to take off my socks to keep up. But it's too cold! So I'm headed to my first convention of 2015, in Miami, here maybe my toes will see the light of day. I didn't make it to the now must-attend C.E.S. in Las Vegas, but we cover it a little bit, below.
Once again this week we have a plethora of new subscribers to The LZ Sunday Paper. Welcome! I have gotten a bunch of questions and comments in person and over email recently, as to the "position" of the Paper and my relation to it. Here's the 101:
The LZ Sunday Paper is about, but not exclusively for, women in business, politics, digital, tech, media, music, tv, film, fashion, sports, and culture.
Do I hand-pick every single article that goes into the newsletter every week? Absolutely.
Do I personally agree with the points of view of every single article that is cited? Certainly not! That is a very important nuance, folks.
Do I want to get brain cells flowing around important topics but also get a laugh out of people on a Sunday? Most definitely.
You can find the most recent copy of the paper and the Archive at LZSundayPaper.com. You can follow me or tweet me at @LZSundayPaper. You can send me a note or an item you think I should see at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
See you next Sunday!
The Case For The Cosby Joke via The Atlantic
"The room gasped as soon as the subject of the bit became clear."
Sexist Pig Rewind: Checking In With The Misogynist Of The Month Club via The New York Observer
"ISIS set the standard for atrocious treatment of women in 2014, but there were many others in the race."
What If All The Male Political Leaders Had Been Removed From The Paris March? via The Washington Post
“Completely removing women from the picture was an unusual and extreme step."
Meet The Women The Paris Gunmen Spared via Time
" 'I’m not killing you because you are a woman and we don’t kill women but you have to convert to Islam, read the Qu’ran and wear a veil.' "
Meet The Iraqi Woman Standing Up To ISIS via Marie Claire
"If they capture me, they will execute me at once."
GOP Hopes It Has Cracked The Abortion Code via Politico
"Republicans want to go on offense with the 20-week ban, an easy-to-explain proposal they believe will animate their base…"
Former Highest Ranking U.S. Cardinal Blames 'feminization' For The Catholic Church's Problems via The New York Times
"Last week, Cardinal Raymond Burke delivered a whopper of a manifesto in an interview with something called 'The Emangelization,' which seeks to restore a sense of manliness to men in the church."
Why Female CEO's Are More Depressed and How We Can Change That via Quartz
"As a woman CEO and tech entrepreneur, my off-the-cuff assessment: 'No mystery there. We're damned if we do, damned if we don't.' "
CES 2015 Was A Man's, Man's, Man's World via Bostinno
"The obvious inequality was tiptoed around…"
Gorgeous Women Of CES 2015 via The SSD Review
" 'So… each year we get at least one comment that is similar to this and I always have to wonder if Sports Illustrated gets much the same when they post their annual Swimsuit Edition.' "
10 YouTube Channels For Girls (Completely Makeup- and Fashion-Free) via Common Sense Media
"Gaming tutorials, crafting tips, computer programming lessons, and more inspire girls to think, do, and follow their dreams."
The Whitest Oscars Since 1998: Why The 'Selma' Snubs Matter via The Daily Beast
" 'Selma' is a film from an upstart visionary young black woman named Ava DuVernay while 'American Sniper' comes from Hollywood’s favorite old white guy. Congratulations, Clint Eastwood!"
Amal Clooney's Facial Expressions At The Golden Globes Represent How We Feel About The Start Of Awards Season via E! Online
"She was clearly bored at her husband's cute little office party."
Shonda Rhimes Delivered The Most Inspiring, Badass Speech Today via Buzzfeed
"If I had broken through a glass ceiling, I would have felt some cuts, I would have some bruises. There’d be shards of glass in my hair. I’d be bleeding, I’d have wounds."
If Hermione Granger Were The Main Character In 'Harry Potter' via Buzzfeed
“Hermione Granger and the Goddamn Patriarchy."
Debate Rages Over Whether 'The Bachelor' Censored A Woman's Hairy Ass via Jezebel
"Speculation arose that ABC had censored Jillian's butt because it was, um, unkept [sic]."
The Plus-Size Problem With The Target-Lilly Pulitzer Collaboration via The Week
"Practices like these create a stigma, sending the message that plus-size customers aren't worthy of being seen shopping in brick-and-mortar stores.”
A Word About Those 'Flesh-Crawling' Female Empowerment Musicals via The Li.st via Medium
" 'Female empowerment is fine for daytime television, but it's flesh-crawling in a musical.' "
Texas Judge Rules Hair Braiding Laws Unconstitutional via Madame Noire
"…the curriculum Brantley needed to study [was] geared towards barbers…"
Gender, blah blah blah via The LA Review Of Books
"Our idea of serious, intellectual writing appears to be overwhelmingly male."
If A Bunch Of Men Made A Tampon Commercial, This Is What It Would Look Like via TechTimes
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The LZ Sunday Paper™ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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