LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "de trop" Edition
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An especially sad end to the week after the news of devastating loss of life in Paris. That, on the heels of ongoing U.S. campus unrest regarding issues of racial bias, sexual assault, and free speech, among other things globally and domestically. So it seems petty and selfish to write about anything personal, or even happy, while all these issues rage and affect so many, so deeply.
However, the fact is that newspapers, tv, my Twitter feed and everything else are still filled with other news of the day, from Duggars and Housewives to Trump and Christie, to Nets and Jets. People cover even the "important" news as it relates to their lives. Big news from Paris from the entertainment industry perspective: Steven Spielberg was on his way from Germany to Paris for the Bridge Of Spies Premiere. It was canceled. So were other pop culture events like the U2 concert and its live HBO broadcast scheduled for last night. Right now, in New York City, people seem to be out and about on their Sunday morning.
I don't think it's that they're callous or uninformed. Well, some of them are, but not most. It's a good trend, overall, that we just muddle on, even if partially dazed. If we all got paralyzed by others', or even our own, misfortune, society wouldn't work too well. Sixty thousand years ago, if we stayed depressed after a horrible snowstorm froze our friends to death, or a bear ate our kids, we'd never come out of our caves again and get on with our hunting and gathering. But we did. And we do.
So, the tritest truism there ever was is proven to be relevant, I guess, when these sorts of things happen: Life Goes On. I'll accept that.
But btw I don't care for that phrase's close relative: Shit Happens. That one is just too stoopid.
If this were an easy breezy news cycle this week I could have shared something that happened to me this week as (only half sarcastically) one of the greatest events of my life. If I still remember, maybe I'll come out of my cave next week and tell you!
The LZSundayPaper usually gets me out of my funk, or enhances my excitement, depending on my mood. How about you? Newcomers: it's a snapshot of the week's news about and by women in business, politics, digital, media, film, tv, fashion, sports, literature and pop culture. Roughly in that order. Sometimes it will make you laugh.
Please Tweet or share your favorite links. Or forward the entire thing to a Friend if you are motivated to do so.
Please send me interesting items or things you think I may have missed here.
Every single week, people amaze me by sending things that I never would have come across, or things they wrote and formally submit for consideration. It's fabulous to receive them.
You can peruse the back catalogue for the issues you missed or sign up, if you're tired of having to search for it in social media, at LZSundayPaper.com.
Sometimes there's so much interesting stuff out there I can't wait 'til Sunday so I tweet it out during the week. You can find me @LZSundayPaper.
Supreme Court to Hear Texas Abortion Law Case via The New York Times
Here's How Geoff Marcy's Sexual Harassment Went On For Decades via Buzzfeed News
Silicon Valley Needs Moms! via Newsweek
The Opportunity Gap: The Dirty Secret About The Small Inequities Holding Women Back via The Huffington Post
Financial Advice For Women, By Women via The New York Times
10 Smart Websites For Women Leaders via The Daily Worth
Wingnuts Go Bats&#t Over Katie Couric, Again: The Insane Right-Wing Freak-Out Over Her Planned Parenthood Interview via Salon
Keeping Our Promise To 120 Million Women and Girls Means A Better Future For Everyone via Medium
What Women Are Looking For In A Sperm Donor via Vocativ
Time Warp: Share Of Young Women Living With Parents Tops 1940 Rate via Forbes
The Hollywood Reporter To End Rankings For Women In Entertainment "Power 100" via The Hollywood Reporter
Friday Fives: Piper Perabo via The Infatuation
"Spectre" Fails To Create A Powerful Bond Girl via Time
The Growing Industry That Walmart and Kate Spade Are Investing In via Refinery29
Amber Rose: Hip-Hop's Joan Of Arc via The Daily Beast
This Is Why Greg Hardy Was Arrested For Assaulting His Ex-Girlfriend via Deadspin
The Online Revolution That Is Turning The P*** Industry On Its Head via News.com.Au
Why Are Women Still Ashamed Of Watching P***? via The Daily Beast
It's Not Because You're A Mother via Medium
The Undress Code via The New York Times
A Whitehouse PSA Uses Bears To Make A Point About Sexual Assault via Government Executive.com
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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