LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Deflated" Edition
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Dear Sunday morning devotees of clicking and reading,
Here are some news items of the week that don't, or only tangentially do, relate to women in business. Therefore they won't be covered in depth in our round-up, but they seem to be of interest to many, including me:
There is a big hoopla about last week's football playoff game in which footballs deployed by the New England Patriots were found to be deflated. If they were purposefully deflated that would be cheating, because slightly deflated footballs are purportedly easier to throw and catch, especially in the freezing cold and rain. It seems like the NFL is one of those businesses that keeps having major things happen to it but somehow deflects all the negative attention and just keeps on being what it is.
Sidebar: Why is it that some people, politicians, celebrities, and businesses go down, or are taken down, by minor infractions or scandals, and others are, as they say, bullettproof.
Further to the side of the sidebar: If I had a world wide web and mobile word analyzer, I would do a study about two adjectives. One is "beleaguered" and one is "embattled," and how frequently they are used as modifiers to a person's name. There is a certain amount of time, weeks or maybe months, that a person, whether it's a baseball manager, politician, or a CEO can be "beleaguered." If they can't shake that adjective, they get saddled with "embattled." In my (informal, unscientific) assessment, once you get the "embattled" tag, it is unlikely that you will remain in that post. See if you now (informally and unscientifically) notice the use of "embattled" and "beleaguered" as it relates to duration of employment of whomever's career you follow, in whatever sector.
Lots of folks bet on football. Who wants to bet that I will regret highlighting my "embattled" and "beleaguered" observation when, one day, a clever person searches my name and those adjectives and references come up in relation to whatever it is I'm doing in business over the next 20 years, and then they trace back to this blog post? Whatever replaces a #irony post at that time I will surely be tagged with.
Other interesting news items of the week:
The State Of The Union address -- we always guessed, correctly, that we'd get a little bump in the ratings on SOTU night, because people would want to think that they were going to watch, so more people turn on their televisions then usual, but then quickly get bored and surf around and land on something more to their non-political liking. I wonder if that was true on Tuesday.
Sundance Film Festival -- I am not there! I miss it, but other conventions and work precluded what is my most favorite media get-together of the year. I saw 2 movies in 2 days, in honor of the idea that I would have seen 12 in 3, had I been there. The Stephen Hawking film--I can't believe even that guy left his wife for his nurse! and the film I predicted I wouldn't see, in my Awards Season Roundup a few weeks ago -- Two Days, One Night. If you are ever worried about losing your job and what you would do, I recommend you not see this incredible performance by Marion Cotillard, in this Belgian paean to working class realities and unfair employment practices.
A Republican caucus in Iowa, already? Well, not exactly a caucus but, in my view, a parade of want-to-be nominees in the state that matters first, if not most.
Now I have sidebarred for long enough and will not list other interesting topics of the week that we don't cover below. What we do cover is news of the week, every week, that is interesting and impacts women in business, tech, media, digital, tv, film, fashion, sports, and culture-- roughly in that order. I'd like to say it goes from high to low but the stories won't behave well enough to be categorized in that way. Oh, and there is almost certainly going to be a laugh which comes your way if you scan through.
Folks have helped me realize that I needed to get my social sharing links, my forward-to-a-friend, subscribe and unsubscribe links in order. Please report back if you do use them and they're still not right.
You can find the most recent copy of the paper and the Archive at LZSundayPaper.com. You can follow me or tweet me at @LZSundayPaper. You can send me a note or an item you think I should see at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
See you next Sunday!
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Five Reasons Why Gendered Products Are A Problem via The Society Pages
"Our Pointlessly Gendered Products Pinterest board is funny, no doubt…"
Can The U.S. Ever Fix Its Messed Up Maternity Leave System? via Bloomberg Businessweek
"There are only two countries in the world that don’t have some form of legally protected, partially paid time off for working women who’ve just had a baby: Papua New Guinea and the U.S."
YouTube CEO: Maternity Leave Is Good For Business via Jezebel via The Wall Street Journal
“When we increased paid maternity leave to 18 from 12 weeks in 2007, the rate at which new moms left Google fell by 50%."
How Elizabeth Warren Is Yanking Elizabeth Warren To The Left via Time
"Just as the moon pulls the tides, Warren is slowly but steadily towing the economic conversation in the Democratic Party to the left."
Nicky Minaj and The Inevitable Politicization of Abortion via RealityCheck
"If you did nothing but read the headlines, you’d get the impression that Minaj is saying she wishes she’d chosen to blow off her wildly successful career as a pop and hip-hop star for the less exciting pleasures of life as a teen mother."
To Sell Wearables To Women, First Make Them Feel Bad via Bloomberg Businessweek
" 'There’s this little voice inside our heads that says, ‘Oh, you should have done better.’ "
The War Nerd: Getting "Women Warriors" Wrong via PandoDaily
"I realized it’s time somebody called foul on the offensive, ignorant crap going around about what the media likes to call 'women warriors.' "
Islam And Feminism Are Not At Odds via B*%#$Media
"…a significant number of activists in Indonesia use Islam as a way to build support for women’s rights."
Will A Weight Watchers Super Bowl Ad Resonate During America's Biggest Snack-a-thon? via Ad Age
"…maybe Weight Watchers will be able to subconsciously plant a seed that once the game is over, it might be time to start that diet again."
The Sun's Topless Page 3 Models Are Back via The Washington Post
"We've had a mammary lapse."
Sorority Anti-Rape Idea: Drinking On Own Turf via The New York Times
"That dynamic is one of the key reasons fraternity members feel so entitled to women’s bodies, because women have no ownership of the social scene. You can’t kick a guy out of his own house."
Lots Of Men Don't Think Rape Is Rape via The Science Of Us
"It's a bit strange to think of different "kinds" of rapists, given that the act is (obviously) horrible and inexcusable in any context."
'Fifty Shades Of Grey' Infamous 'Tampon Scene' Is Officially Not In The Movie via Vulture
"Unsurprisingly, the R-rated Fifty Shades of Grey won't be quite as racy as its source material."
'It Happened Here': Documenting Rape Culture On College Campuses via Indiewire
"If I’ve learned anything after all these years, it’s that sexual violence is a topic that people turn away from."
Australia's Foreign Minister Asks Twitter To Help Find Her Earring via Mashable
"Recently, she discovered emojis and had a grand old time tweeting out emoji stories to anyone who would listen."
Real Housewife, Fake Disease via The Daily Beast
"My one brief viewing experience of any Real Housewives program left me awash in perplexity, and didn’t whet my appetite for a second helping of the franchise.”
'Broad City' To Sleater-Kinney: "We Could Not Be A Show Without You Guys" via Flavorwire
“ 'Eventually men will solve feminism and we’ll all be fine,” Brownstein joked…' "
The Morning Routines Of 13 Ambitious Millenial Women via The Li.st via Medium
"But what about the up and comers? The ambitious women aiming for these top positions? When do they get up? What does their day look like? What do they prioritize in the earliest part of their days?"
It's Black, Like Me via Hello, Recess
"Okoya now sells 6,000-9,000 dolls per month with a growing number of them shipping to the US and Europe."
Someone Stole Naked Pictures Of Me. This Is What I Did About It. via The Guardian
"The issues of revenge porn and hacked photos are part of a larger problem with our relationship to consent, she argues. So Holten decided to pose for and release a new set of pictures of her body."
At 90, She's Designing Tech For Aging Boomers via NPR
"…for the bulging demographic of baby boomers growing old, Beskind has this advice: Embrace change and design for it."
Here's Sigourney Weaver Test-Firing The Flamethrower From 'Alien' via iO9
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The LZ Sunday Paper™ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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