LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Did I Hear That Correctly?" Edition

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Dear Readers,
This weekend, I attended a Zoom wedding. For real! The bride and groom and about 20 (socially distanced) guests and a (masked) officiant were there in person. The rest of us Zoomers did the usual pre-game: a pre-ceremonial toasts including a 20 minute tutorial of "how to mute" and "how to see the one box we need to see" instruction for the non-Zoom-literate friends and relatives. And then, on a beautiful day with the birds chirping, the Bach being played, the ceremony began. Beautiful. Mazel Tovs all around.
Earlier this week a deal was announced that is terrific for storytelling, for journalism, and great for your ears! I worked with incredible people to get it over the proverbial finish line for well over a year. Like making a movie or developing a tv show, "deals" seem to always take longer than they should, go way over budget (lawyers!) and at various points seem to be turning out terribly. Along the way there are moods, both way up and way down, grand ideas, infinite minutiae, and at some points you just feel like you are going to go insane. As far as I can tell, less drugs and sex than compared to a film set, especially during Covid. But then somehow it all comes together and the reason you once thought it was a good idea comes back around and it all gets done. Usually. In this case, happily and brilliantly so. Again, big Mazel Tovs all around.
Finally, I am also proud to say that this newsletter got a great shout out on a cool "best newsletter" list. I'm very happy about that, because I want more people to read it, but also because Inside Hook had a bunch of other newsletters that I hadn't ever heard of or had forgotten about, frankly, and seems to be a terrific site in and of itself, albeit for a different target audience, as we say in the biz, than this one.
*You*, whoever you are reading this right now, are my target audience. The point of this weekly missive is to dive deeply into the most important news of the week about women in politics, business, the arts, fashion, sports and pop culture. Guaranteed discovery of something you didn't know before. Discover, amplify, and share a voice you hadn't heard before. Have a laugh.
Here is one great resource that helps single mothers cope with the necessities of getting through their month. It is important. Let's keep thinking. Let's keep helping.
Send me more resources, plus any articles, photos, or videos you think I need to see right here.
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August, what?

Build That Wall: The Politics Of Motherhood In Portland via The Contemporary Condition
Mothers' Power In U.S. Protests Echoes A Global Tradition via The New York Times
'F***ing Bitch' and The Everyday Terror Men Feel About Powerful Women via HuffPo
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez' Powerful Speech Against Misogyny In Congress Was Long Overdue via Vox
Lauren Underwood, The Youngest Black Woman Ever To Serve In Congress, On Remote Legislating During A Pandemic via The Cut
Barbara Walters Was Done With Donald Trump's BS In 1990 via Blondie via Twitter
You Should Be Using A Stand-To-Pee Device via Slate
The Other Women In The Harvard Law Class Of RBG via Slate
If You're Menstruating Or Lactating During The Bar Exam You're Screwed via Above The Law
This Mother-Daughter Entrepreneurial Team Thinks Community Is The Key To Inclusion via Fast Company
After Weeks Of Devastating Sexual Harassment Allegations, Ubisoft Boss Yves Guillemot Is Asked How Much He3 Knew via EuroGamer
The All-Raise Summer 2020 Reading List via AllRaise via Medium
Alanis Morrissette: 'Without Therapy I Don't Think I'd Still Be Here' via The Guardian
I Have Some Bad News About 'The Notebook' via CNN
A 'Nap Dress' Is Not A Thing via The MarySue
Dear Black Girls: This Is For All The Girls With An Apostrophe In Their Name via The Players Tribune
Washington NFL Team To Hire First Regular On-Air Female Radio Broadcaster via WUSA9
Convent In Michigan Loses 13 Sisters To Covid-19 via The New York Times

The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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