LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Festa del Papa" Edition
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Buon Giorno,
A quick recap of the past week's travels. Don't worry, we won't inflict a slide show's worth of travel pix on anyone-- it seems like that's what Facebook and Instagram are for! Whereas in olden times an image was known to be worth a thousand words, today my jammed feeds make it seem like a thousand images of sunsets and farmer's markets and so forth are worth… less. Though it's nice to know that people are out in the world appreciating things.
Here in Italia, it's hard to get a feminist take on the week's events, but from a tourist's perspective, here are some highlights:
This was shown as being a modern look for the contemporary nun, as advertised in a shop on Via del Vestments (roughly translated), near our hotel.
If you look closely at this historic statue, you might see what possibly looks to be an ancient mammogram pose.
Issues of sexual harassment, rape, and consent are longstanding in Greek Life, as evidenced by this year's news events as well as the depiction in this famous Bernini sculpture, Ratto di Proserpina.
I would kill for this outfit that seems like it would suit all body types, to wear all summer long at fabulous lawn parties. I might request it in a somewhat lighter material than the terrazzo marble shown here.
Uber worked great. We took it when we found ourselves in one of the new wave of neighborhoods that bills itself as the "Williamsburg of…" wherever. This means everything from "shitty neighborhood" to "over-run with beards," but which in this instance meant "no taxis."
Selfie-sticks, which I thought was a passing fad, are rampant--I mean rampant--at every site in all of Rome and beyond. In St. Peter's, Piazza Navona, the Colloseum, you name it. It was cray.
I got a great photo for my Tumblr--the one that I haven't started yet but one day might--of my amassed collection of hundreds of ladies room signs.
There is no picture-taking in the Sistine Chapel, fyi. I didn't need a picture of that ceiling or any other less famous but no less amazing fresco because, as loyal readers know, I only take pictures of floors for my Instagram which I rarely post on. The Pantheon had a nice one, which is quite a feat since there is a hole at the top and it has been raining on their mosaic floor for about 2000 years. The grout in my bathroom from a renovation two years ago is already discolored and unglued. Anyone with a line on Italian artisans descended from Roman times but living in the New York Area, let me know.
Finally, we went a bit off the beaten path to the actual home of actual "Buffalo mozzarella." In a small town near Paestum, which is the oldest and best preserved Greek ruin not in Greece or Sicily, you can drop the "Bufala" and just ask for "mozzarella." This Bufala Gal gives it her all every day. We sampled her formaggio, her crema gelato, and even her yogurto from the little vendor shop at the farm where she lives.
The only disappointment so far is that there wasn't much of a turnout for my address in St. Peter's Square. I understood that the venue holds millions! Maybe I just got a bad time slot.
That's okay. Roma doesn't need to hear about "disruptiona" and "el morte di old media" and other tired themes that are the routine fodder for keynotes and panels and whatnot.
Prego, please enjoy the following compilation of distinctly vibrant news and topical information about women in business, politics, entrepreneurship, film, tv, music, fashion, literature, sports, and pop culture.
You can peruse the Archive at LZSundayPaper.com.
You can send me a note or an item you think I should see here.
Sometimes there's so much interesting stuff out there I can't wait 'til Sunday so I tweet it during the week. Follow me @LZSundayPaper.
Happy Father's Day!
'Til next week,
It Isn't Crazy To Compare Rachel Dolezal With Caitlyn Jenner via Slate
It Shouldn't Take Having A Daughter For Men To Care About Feminism via New York Magazine
The Disturbing Differences In What Men Want In Their Wives And Daughters via The Washington Post
I'm A Dad, So Why Do People Call Me 'Mrs.'? via The Washington Post
Three Things Little Girls Need From Their Fathers via Medium
New $10 Bill Will Be A Major Win For Women Leaders via Wired
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#BringBackOurGirls: Meet Some Of The Survivors From The Boko Haram Chibok Kidnapping via Cosmopolitan
So Fetch! There's A 'Mean Girls' Mobile Game Coming via USA Today
How Insurance Companies Are Keeping Eating Disorder Patients Sick via Marie Claire
The 'Queen Of Versailles' Death Mystery: A Fallen Heiress and A Family Under Fire via The Daily Beast
Jennifer Lawrence To Receive Bigger Paycheck Than Chris Pratt For 'Passengers' via Indiewire
Turner Classic Movies Partners With Women In Film To Spotlight Gender Inequality In Film Industry via Deadline Hollywood
Maker Culture Has Infiltrated Hollywood-- But Where Are The Girls? via Quartz
'Steven Universe' Creator Rebecca Sugar On Growing Up, Gender Politics, and Her Brother via Entertainment Weekly
Soccer's Enduring Sexism and The Magnificence Of Marta via The Nation
No Men Allowed: Publisher Accepts Novelist's 'Year Of Women' Challenge via The Guardian
Ashley And Mary-Kate Threw Themselves An Olympic-Themed 29th Birthday Party via Fashionista
Glow In The Dark Tampons Are Being Used To Fix Broken Sewers via Gizmodo
Dear Mom: How Do You Balance Work And Family via Medium
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The Truth Behind The Suicide Statistic For Older Teen Girls via NPR
These Lady Scientists Are So Distractingly Sexy I'm In Love and Crying via Gizmodo
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The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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