LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "#Hashtag Back-to-Basics" Edition


No Defective Merchandise, August 2014.
Gracias: D.Perlmutter
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Let's get back to basics.
The past few months of wandering around the country and the world led to some fun musings, which gave way to some compelling ramblings which led to some well-deserved laughs at the top of the Sunday Paper. That's the ultimate goal, but the route is not meant to be so circuitous.
My bad.
The LZ Sunday Paper is a means by which to curate and present the week's news through the focused lens of women in business and culture.
There were two stories this week which took that topic by storm, both originating via social media. This guy did what many (millions of) successful career women (sometimes) do: he quit his job to raise the kids. Then he wrote a blog post which was very popular. Very, very popular. Not a good week, imho, to have anything termed "viral" anywhere near you, but according to our new lexicon, his blog did indeed "go viral."
You know how YouTube is filled with lots of "reaction videos" of people being filmed as they watch other things on their computer? Usually disgusting or shocking things, and sometimes funny things. I wonder if I would have had a good "reaction video" if I were video'ed reading this guy's blog post. This is a good piece to start with if you would rather read, not watch, a "reaction" to his blog. The main conclusion of which is: it's hard to work at a job and raise kids at the same time.
Quick!: what is your reaction?
Social Media Movement #2 (not counting sadness and outrage over world politics): #WomenAgainstFeminism. This is a complicated one. It is not specifically about women in business but it is most certainly related. This piece does an excellent job crystallizing the complicated aspects of the issue. This piece also does a great job explaining in an important, albeit loopy and funny way. Like my blog would do if I could actually write about important issues in a loopy and funny way.
God bless "algorithms." I guess because I click on alot of related links, my Twitter feed asked me if I would be interested in #FeministsAreUgly. I definitely am! If I were to write a very short article about an issue, it would go like this:
As far as I can see on this one, basically, on one side of the "ugly" issue there are ironic people who post pictures of gorgeous people (sometimes themselves) who I guess are feminists. On the other side are mean and possibly unironic people who post pictures of women they deem "ugly," and correlate that as being proof of their feminist beliefs.
Not so quick!: what is your reaction to all that?
There is a ton of great stuff in the Newsletter this week. Lots in our normal progression from business, to digital, media, and on into fashion, sports, & culture. Lots and lots about movies and tv! So much so that if you believe you have read enough about women-in-super-hero flicks in general or the film "Lucy" specifically, I want to point out just this one which made me laugh out loud. Which, as you know, is also an explicit goal of the Sunday Paper.
Don't forget to send us interesting stuff you think will make us laugh or be good fodder for a "reaction video" of any sort. And tell people you think will enjoy it to sign up at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
Follow it/me/us @LZSundayPaper.

Spurs Hire Becky Hammon To Be An Assistant Coach via The Wall Street Journal
It Shouldn't Take Having A Daughter For Men To Care About Feminism via New York Magazine
Paid Leave Encourages Female Employees To Stay via The New York Times
NYC Real Estate Power Women via BisNow.com
Amazon Board Now 30% Women With Election Of Former MTV CEO Judy McGrath via Forbes
On Being A Female In Venture Capital via The MIT Sloan Students Blog via Informerly
Overlooked, Undervalued, Missed, Dissed, and Dismissed via Medium
Ed Zimmerman: My Pledge Against Gender Bias In Tech via The Wall Street Journal
Stylized "Gang Rape" Fashion Shoot Sparks Outrage In India via Slate
Nine West Thinks Women Need Husband Hunting Shoes via The New Republic
Roxanne Gay: 'Bad Feminist,' Real Person via NPR
Marvel Comics' Storm And The Rise Of African Women In American Pop Culture via The Washington Post
Nice Try, Hollywood, But A Female Superhero Won't Solve Your Gender Problem via Mashable
New Research Shows A Six-Year Low For Women Directors, 98% Of Films Feature More Male Than Female Characters via IndieWire
A Female 'Ghostbusters'? 'Bridesmaids' Paul Feig Talks Reboot With Sony via The Wrap
'Orange' Showrunner Jenji Kohan On Hollywood's Pay Inequality, 'F--- You Money,' and Her 'Friends' Regrets via The Hollywood Reporter
Out To Lunch With Samantha Power, America's Youngest Ever U.N. Ambassador via Vanity Fair
Move Over Barbie: The Cool Kids Are Playing With Lego Paleontologists via The Guardian
U.S. Open Contenders: Women's Favorites via USOpen.org
The Rate Of Domestic Violence Arrests Among NFL Players via fivethirtyeight.com
Dita Von Teese, My Breasts Are All Yours via The Daily Beast
Manson Girl Patricia Krenwinkel Gives Prison Interview via Gawker

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The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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