LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "High Desert" Edition

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Dear Subscribers,
Greetings from the high desert. The full/super-moon rise was spectacular. The wi-fi…no so much. So, quick before it dumps out again:
After a couple of mid-west college visits, where I didn't bring a fake kid and we didn't bribe anyone to get to the front of the pack on the walk-backwards tours, it's been a close-to-wifi-free week in West Texas. It's not every week that I could say, "last night I threw horseshoes with Jeff & Jimmy." We were waiting for our table to be ready in the only dinner joint in town. I borrowed the house 'shoes for my match. Jeff, brings his own 'shoes with him to play with. "Just throw 'em in the back of the truck." Although I am a seasoned bocce player, which both Jeff & Jimmy are big fans of as well, the 'shoe-throw is a whole 'nother thing. After a couple of absurd tries, including an errant arm motion that caused the trajectory of the horseshoe to be so surprisingly off that I nearly beaned someone behind me, I got my desert legs and didn't embarrass myself too badly. Well, actually I did, but I don't embarrass easily and, I have to say, Jeff & Jimmy were very, very polite about it. Very.
So, while blissfully unaware of much of the news this week, it appears that lots of news still happened. So hopefully my quick comb-through is just about all you need to know about women in business, politics, news, and the culture on both coasts and in between, too.
Thank you for all the designer recommendations off of my request of last week. I have them listed, sites and portfolios ready to be looked at, upon my re-arrival coming out of Spring Break next week.I really appreciated the recommendations. It was great to see some new, fresh creative minds out there and it was especially sweet to reconnect with many old friends and work-friends near and far.
It was also especially helpful, this week, to get so many great submissions-- thank you-- and do continue to send me articles, photos, or videos you think are interesting, important, or amusing here.
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Happy March Madness, broadcasting to you next week from points further West!
Lauren Z.

Glenda Jackson and Ruth WIlson Bringing A Modern 'King Lear' to Broadway via Vogue
The Yiddish Classic 'The Jewish Queen Lear' Gets An English Debut At Theater J via The Washington Post
Karen Uhlenbeck, Uniter Of Geometry and Analysis, Wins Abel Prize via Quanta Magazine
Bow Down! 65 Boundary-Breaking Black Women Who Have Paved The Way via Essence
What's Next For Stacey Abrams? via The Cut
John Hickenlooper Asks Why Female Candidates Aren't Asked About Naming A Male Running Mate via The Washington Post
'All The Men Are Psyched About Goldman Sachs' Relaxed Dress Code. For Everyone Else, It's Complicated. via The Washington Post
Politicians Vote Agains Access to Pads and Tampons In Prison Because 'It's Not A Country Club' via Yahoo
The Problems With Neil DeGrasse Tyson's Exoneration via Slate
FDA Approves First Treatment Specifically For Post-Partum Depression via FDA
Invisible No More: The Growing Power Of Women Over 60 via Considerable
Warner Bros. Interim Leadership Team Set After Kevin Tsujihara's Exit via The Los Angeles Times
More Than Half Of Films at Hot Docs Festival Directed By Women via Variety
29-Year Old Akilah Hughes Turned YouTube Into A Career via Forbes
Aack! The Feminist Paradox Of Cathy Guisewite, aka 'Cathy,' via The Cut
Women's College Basketball Wasn't Always Dominated By Big Schools. First Came The Mighty Macs. via The Washington Post
Gloria Nevarez Is More Than Just The First Latino Woman Commissioner In Division I Sports via The Undefeated

Hooray For Big Hair!. via The Texas Monthly
The LZ Sunday Paper™ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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