LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The 'Hillary Has 2 L's and 2 Really Weird Cover Photos' Edition

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Greetings! We're back, with a week of biz- and cultural news catch-up after last week's heavy dose of film and television.
It was hard to figure out what to lead with, but when the second incendiary cover story featuring Hillary Clinton within a week came out, we had our first double pic(k) of the week.
Australian Open, anyone? And, how much more Lena-Dunham-and-her-body should we discuss-- how can you be too exposed on tv and simultaneously too covered up in a fashion magazine? Plus, cupcakes, cancer, racism, rabbis, teens, and two pieces by men about women, plus some other stuff.
The LZ Sunday Paper exposes and recirculates interesting content that is about, and for, women in business, along with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in sizes high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh.
Again, thank you for your feedback and in particular, for sending interesting articles and media pieces you've come across. Keep them coming to the LZSundayPaper@gmail.com mailbox.
BTW there's no such thing as "oversharing" when it comes to telling your pals about this newsletter. This week's WNTLoveAbout is courtesy of Lucy, 16, btw.

About That Time Magazine Cover on Hillary Clinton… via The Washington Post

TIME Magazine got slammed by The WashPo for their Hillary Cover, but then THEY slam the NYTimes:
Here is Hillary Clinton As A Planet On A Very Bizarre NYTimes Magazine Cover… via TIME Magazine
Then The WashPo sums it up:
What Two Magazine Covers Can Tell Us About Hillary '16 via The Washington Post
NEWS & INSIGHTS (back to our regularly scheduled programming):
The Greatest Woman Tennis Player You've Never Heard Of via Tennis.com
What It's Like To Be The Only Asian-American Woman In The U.S. Senate via Medium
Can Apple's Angela Ahrendts Spark A Retail Revolution? via Fast Company
Want Better Hedge Fund Returns? Try One Led By a Woman via The Telegraph
My Wife Doesn't 'Get How It Is In Advertising' via Medium
Jezebel vs. Lena Dunham and Vogue, Condensed via Feministe
Tweeting Cancer via The New Yorker
BTW Then the NYTimes TWEETED ME about a male tennis player who beat cancer
A Tabloid Bashing, and a Lost Job With the Mayor via The New York Times
Sheryl Sandberg: The Movie via Deadline
I Was Recently Accused of Believing Things I Don't Believe About Women Paul Graham.com via MediaReDEF
Why American Women Aren't Living as Long as They Should via The Atlantic
Life As A Female Journalist: Hot or Not? via The New York Times
Introducing: Dear Julie via Dame Magazine.com
High Velocity Bitterness Shuts Down Ani DiFranco's Plantation Party via Feministe
New Rabbi at Manhattan's Central Synagogue Breaks All Stereotypes: 'A Pioneer' via The Wall Street Journal
Why Can't I Be You: Lisa Darms via Rookie
And In Related News…
Tavi Gavinson Rockets from Rookie to Teen Pop Culture Heights via The Los Angeles Times
As long as we're into doubling up this week, here's the Runner-Up for What's Not to Love About…
WNBA Jam: FLOTUS Edition via The WIre
But the Winner Is…
Deformed Freak Born Without Penis via The Onion

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The LZ Sunday Paper (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and for, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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