LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Holes" Edition

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Dear Readers,
Happy Martin Luther King Day!
Due to first-week-back syndrome plus an added twist of family-member-food-poisoning, on top of the various #MyJanuaryProjects including detoxes from both social media and alcohol, this will be short and sweet, unlike the news of the past week which was deep and sour, like some holes.
Headed to Sundance. Excited to see great new films and good old friends and support the marvelous institution which is Sundance. Curious to see and feel the many impacts of #MeToo and its offshoot organizations.
Speaking of #hashtags: I am highly skeptical of the new Facebook algorithm. The goal is apparently to "increase engagement" and also, quite simply, not make you feel so bad. The way they aim to do this is to present items in your newsfeed so that "you'll see more posts from friends that have spurred lively debates in the comments."
If there's literally only one thing I would want to see less of, it's that. And while their goal of "increased engagement" might be realized, I can say definitively that their side goal of "more positivity and happiness" will not be realized.
The upsides of the recent weeks of social media cleanse are many: mental health, regaining countless hours in my week, mental health, reading, and of course, mental health. Whatever the specifics, it's just a helpful re-calibration of how to live and how to think in my actual life vs. others' virtual ones.
So yes I've been off Snapchat for good, Facebook and Twitter for the most part, currently trying to figure out how best to comb the intrawebs for this newsletter's great and important content for you while not having to withstand so much blathering…but still not miss the important blathering.
All of that said, Please keep sending me stuff you think is interesting here.
Insta @LZSundayPaper and @LZFloors seems more manageable right now. Less intrusive, more self-directed. We'll see.
Cheers to myself on my birthday week and motivating to see Bette Midler's penultimate performance as Dolly! before the show closes today. And thank you, friend Jerry! for taking me out to my first birthday lunch celebration of the season. A much-appreciated work/life balm.

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[Call On Dolly: From Carol Channing To Bernadette Peters and Beyond via Call On Dolly!
Bette Midler Brings Her Best To 'Hello, Dolly!' via The New Yorker](http://www.callondolly.com/)
Women Of Color Will Reclaim and Monetize Our Time via Nieman Lab
Chris Matthews' Long History Of On-Air Misogyny and Sexism via Media Matters
The Media Men List and The Chatham House Rule via The New Yorker
How Many Grace Hoppers Have Been Lost From The Innovation Pipeline? via The Brookings Institute
The Next Bechdel Test via FiveThirtyEight
The Celluloid Ceiling: The Longest Running and Most Comprehensive Study Of Women's Behind-the-Scenes Employment via Women In TV and Film
Sarah Jessica Parker and Molly Shannon Speak Out: 'Divorce,' 'Sex and The City 3' Controversy, and More via The Daily Beast
What Serena Williams' Scary Childbirth Story Says About Medical Treatment Of Black Women via Vox
New Sound At Saudi Soccer Game: Women Cheering From The Stands via The New York Times
Queen Fires The Bra Supplier Rigby & Peller After Exposing Royal Secrets via The Daily Beast

I Made The Cinnamon Rolls From Mario Batali's Sexual Misconduct Apology Letter via The Everywhereist
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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