LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "If You Don't Like It, Don't Click It" Edition
Subway Bill Cunningham: Twin Umbrellas, Spring 2014
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Happy Memorial Day!
Loads and loads of folks are bashing today's state of "journalism." This item got a lot of notice; a wide range of people thought it was ultra-valid and smart. Others thought that it was only semi-valid and ironic, because it was "published" on Facebook, home of shallow click-bait headlines and the world's repository for the most shared "listicles."
I have always loved lists.
Over time, many vaunted publications have published lists. The New York Time Book Review has one every week. TIME Magazine has had the 100 Most Influential People List for quite some time. The Atlantic has done their fair share. And of course Cosmo has been selling tons of magazines for ever, having basically invented numbers-driven covers. There wasn't a wide rush to condemn those, or a supposition that those lists were replacing "journalism." So today, it is surprising to me that lists, and other light-subject articles, are deemed entirely no good. My view is that there's a wide range of good and not so good stuff in a wide range of publications. Important stuff can be poorly done or great. On the lighter side, some I don't care for (this means you, New York Times Metropolitan Diary) and some I laud (hello, BuzzFeed with your hi/low, literary allusion-riddled cat-themed send-up of "Most Important" lists).
Remember: like all media, including TV, movies, books, and now Listicles, you have a choice: if you don't like it, then don't watch, don't read, don't click.
The type of lists I maybe find not so good is the continued preponderance of "Women's" lists. I am of the mind that in many categories, it would be better to let the proverbial chips fall where they may on the "regular," (ie. Men's? People's?) lists so that we see what's what. While it's terrific to highlight interesting, important, under-valued, under-exposed, even just plain bad-ass women, creating special new "franchises" seems like a step to the side, if not a step backward. Though I am happy for all the women on this new list, especially those I know and esteem (--yay Kara, Brooke, Jessi, Caterina, Julia, Rachel, Jessica, Cindy, Randi, Arianna!--) I think they should be on any list of interesting and powerful tech- and life- Tweeters.
For the record, I am looking forward to the day when there are no relevant articles left for the Sunday Paper to curate, thus ending my own why-do-women-need-their-own-newsletter-if-I-think-there-should-be-no-women's-"lists" inconsistent line of reasoning.
Next week, perhaps I will try A List of My Own.
Regarding Memorial Day: If you're in New York City, enjoy the final days of Sprwinter and let's hope that Sprummer comes very soon. This week's masthead is being very optimistic.
We have many new subscribers. So we need to remind them that the LZ Sunday Paper exposes and recirculates news about, and very frequently by, women in business, media, and culture. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send us stuff you think we may have missed, and tell people you think will enjoy it to sign up, at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
The Sugar Sphinx via The New Yorker
Women Falling Off The Glass Cliff: When Leaning In Is Not Enough via The Washington Post
Here's Why Women Are Irritated About Sexism In The Newsroom via The Globe and Mail
Why Women Fail To Speak Up At High Level Meetings, And What Everyone Can Do About it via Fast Company
My Impossible and Brilliant Female Boss via The Washington Post
What It's Like To Be A Female Leader In America, In 5 Charts via Policy Mic
St. Andrew Principal Under Fire For Using Photo Of Ellen On Invitation via Newtown-Pa.Patch.com
I'm Chiara De Blasio and I'm A Young Woman In Recovery via XOJane
DeBlasio Tell's City's Tabloids To Apologize To His Wife via The New York Times
Three Things Apple's New Retail Leader Angela Ahrendts Is Planning via Business Insider
A College Student's Death Is Now A Talking Point About Porn via The Daily Beast
From Belle Knox: An Open Letter to Alyssa Funke, Who Must Never Be Forgotten via XOJane
Anouk's Sizzling Hot Faraday Dress via Make.com
Claire Danes, Julianna Margulies, Keri Russell on Explicit Sex Scenes, Crazy Fans, and Lactating On George Clooney via The Hollywood Reporter
The Culture Of "We": What Women Can Learn From "Broad City" via Salon
Sotomayor Finds Her Voice Among Justices via The New York Times
Parenting Solo This Week? You Are Not A Single Mom via Slate XX
A New Women's Issue: Statins via The New York Times
Stop Asking My Daughter To Give You A Kiss via Daily Life
Lifting For Two? Pregnant Woman Stuns With Weight Lifting At 40 Weeks via The Today Show
A Harvard Woman Figured Out How To Print 3D Makeup From Any Home Computer, and The Demo Is Mind Blowing via Business Insider
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The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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