LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Kavanaughfull" Edition
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Dear Readers,
In case you haven't been bled to your last drop of energy to ingest more context, more background, more news, this is an edition devoted solely to the Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh hearing. If you have not one whit of interest or appetite for it, read my other LZ Sunday Paper edition for this week, here. It's guaranteed to be at least 99% Kavanaugh-free.
I was conducting interviews this week for a couple of different kinds of jobs. From lower level positions to, literally, the CEO of a public company. And it began to strike me that, as was widely written, if you look at the hearing as a very intense job interview, not a criminal trial, it seems unfathomable that you could come down strongly on the side of making the hire hire in question. Find a new head of H.R., Senators! I mean, in the job world, it takes a minor infraction to make you unhire-able, if not toxic. A single bad reference is enough. A small inaccuracy on a resume is enough. A single defensive or evasive answer in an interview enough. I mean you're also really D.O A. if you go off spouting your political views in an interview, right? But like, an interview to be on the Supreme Court you'd think this is a big whammy. Like whammy as in one of my favorite game shows ever, "Press Your Luck." If you don't recall, Wikipedia will helpfully remind you that:
"the show was known for the "Whammy," a red cartoon creature with a high-pitched, raspy voice. Landing on any Whammy space reset the contestant's score to zero, accompanied by an animation that showed the Whammy taking the loot, but frequently being blown up or other wise humiliated in the process."
Oh my God. Bart O' Boof O' Kavanaugh is literally the Whammy. Red-faced, setting the score to zero, and humiliated.
Some unanswered questions. How did those 'activists' get in the Senate building and yell at Flake in the elevator? Can anyone just go in, as a U.S. citizen and roam the halls of the Senate? Is there an "activist" daypass? Did they sneak, pretending to go on the ol' senate tour that day with a class of Fourth Graders? Most importantly, did Flake ever admit that he was influenced by them to change his mind and call for the FBI investigation?
Well, this guy Kavanaugh is an unmitigated lying douchebag asshat. Honestly. The mewling and the "oh poor me" doesn't work in a Senate hearing. It doesn't even work on The Real Housewives. But btw being an unrepentant drunkie-in-denial who doesn't remember heinous things they did, whose friends and family try to cover for them until they all turn on you right before the Finale *is* a qualification for The Real Housewives. So in the unlikely event he doesn't get confirmed, he might have a future, after all.
Also, this Lindsay Graham character is an evil ding dong, too. He's literally shifty.
So today, this read is only about these important items about (imho) the tragically elegant Blasey-Ford and the blustering asshat Kavanaugh. Oh, here they are now:
BTW take a close look at the faces in the second pic. Most are his friends and family.
Next week, we'll hopefully be back to a uni-edition of The LZ Sunday Paper, where you can read all about women in business, politics, and the best of pop culture. If you aren't already a subscriber, sign up here. You'll receive the newsletter each week, straight to your inbox each Sunday morning.
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For a different perspective entirely, follow me here on @LZFloors.
The Blasey-Ford / Kavanaugh Hearings Through The Lens Of One Woman via Wired
Every Time Ford And Kavanaugh Dodged A Question, In One Chart via Vox
When Being One Of The Guys Comes At A Woman's Expense via Slate
Why Did Christine Blasey Ford Have To Perform Her Victimhood For Us? via The Huffington Post
The Secret To Brett Kavanaugh's Specific Appeal via The Atlantic
The Tight-Rope Of Testifying While Female via The New York Times
The Case Against Kavanaugh Isn't Just About Sex. It's About Sexual Humiliation via The Washington Post
The Rape Culture Of Brett Kavanaugh's 1980's, Explained By 'Sixteen Candels' via Vox
When The Muzzle Comes Off via The Cut
Monica Lewinsky Was My Intern. Here's Why The Women Making Accusations Against Brett Kavanaugh Give Me Hope. via Time
In Response To President Trump's Allegations, George Washington Has Released His Calendar From The Summer Of 1749 via The Daily Show
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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