LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Left Shark" Edition
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I am just plain flummoxed as to what to share with you this week.
Possible topics could have included:
Did I consider doing a redux roundup of my theories of being "beleagured" vs. "embattled" in the press, citing examples from this week?
Is there any way to know whether many people in high profile positions live in fear of being excoriated on Twitter?
Do I think the Sports Illustrated cover photo is shockingly porny for mainstream newsstand fodder or is it no different from any basic Victoria's Secret, perfume, or other ad??
Have I turned into a very old lady this winter, as I find myself bringing up the cold weather and snow as if it it were an interesting topic of conversation?
Do I think that any of the start-ups I am working on or with are going to be amazing?
Do I enjoy Valentine's Day even a little bit (or any other holiday that the ratio of cards given to actual sentiment is about 1000:1)?
Did I enjoy getting several emails this week asking me "what happened to the Sunday Paper? I haven't gotten it in weeks!" (Note: There is no way I misremembered having read the entire internet every single week and sending out this Paper every Sunday morning.) Harummmph.
Here's what else I remember perfectly well, and know for another fact. The LZ Sunday Paper is about, but not exclusively for, women in business, politics, digital, tech, media, music, tv, film, fashion, sports, and culture. There is most definitely a laugh buried in a couple of places. FYI: I consider it a duty to provide fodder for laughing, as a requirement for the good nutrition of human animals.
You can find the most recent copy of the paper and the Archive at LZSundayPaper.com. You can follow me or tweet me at @LZSundayPaper. You can send me a note or an item you think I should see at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
Happy Valentine's Day!
See you next Sunday!
Hannah Davis And Her Descending Bikini Land 2015 SI Swimsuit Cover via The LA Times
" 'This has been my dream job,' she said."
Plus-Size Model In Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Is Barely Progress via The Chicago Tribune
"We're supposed to shrink our bodies and quiet our voices and shove our curves into shape-wear. ”
Amy Pascal Lands In Sony's Outbox via The New York Times
"Often identified as the film industry’s top female executive, Ms. Pascal is the only senior Sony manager to leave her position since the hacking attack. "
Jill Abramson On Getting Fired, Her New Venture via Fishbowl NY
“She favors the word “fired” over “former” executive editor."
More Women Than Ever In Congress, But With Less Power Than Before via The New York Times
"…the Republican takeover of the Senate has also cost women powerful committee leadership posts and presented new challenges to their wielding of power."
Mellody Hobson On Boardroom Diversity via Fortune
"The conversation in and of itself is a real move forward. The conversation will lead to action."
My Life With Anti-Vaxxers via Slate
" And that pursuit of the so-called perfect child…?…that’s where this new measles epidemic was born."
Labor pains via The New Republic
"I very much wanted to be pregnant; I also very much wanted to do my job well."
Rand Paul Needs To be Shushed via Salon
"Republicans want to go on offense with the 20-week ban, an easy-to-explain proposal they believe will animate their base…"
The Misguided Liberal Love For Megyn Kelly via The XX Factor
"Call me when Kelly says something actually feminist, rather than simply defending the gender status quo of, say, 1960."
Stop Equating Women In Tech With Engineers via Medium
"Men are not held to that standard. It's enough."
To Stop Violence, Start At Home via The New York Times
"…the perpetrators of more than half of the 110 mass shootings in the United States between January 2009 and July 2014 included the murder of a current or former spouse, an intimate partner or a family member."
Festival Encourages Women In Film To 'Wear The Pants' via The Wall Street Journal
" 'I want to be able to share more stories with women on screen, but they are not there,' she said. 'I look all day long.' "
Sarah Silverman's "Sorry, It's A Boy" Joke Really Wasn't Offensive via Refinery29
"It was a great little Easter egg of playful misandry… and, of course, a bunch of people freaked out about it."
200 Hours Later: The Incredible Journey Of This Dior Courture Dress via Refinery29
"Think of this as a mini-trip to Paris or a crash course into fashion’s highest form."
I Am Also The Father Of A Girl, Says Alleged Harasser Flight via NDTV
“Both videos went viral after being posted on YouTube. In the second, when confronted, Mr Jhunjhunwala says, 'Everybody makes mistakes.' "
Twitter CEO: "We Suck At Dealing With Abuse and Trolls" via The Verge
"We're going to start kicking these people off right and left and make sure that when they issue their ridiculous attacks, nobody hears them."
The Treatment Of Emma Sulkowicz Proves We Still Have No Idea How To Talk About Work via Mic.
"Young emailed again, this time saying she had about six pages of Facebook conversations between Sulkowicz and Nungesser…”
Chewing Like A Girl via The New Yorker
"Park and Shin’s results have done little to untangle the relationship between chewing and weight."
The Entertainer: A Conversation With Nick Hornby via Slate
"Once seen as the father of “lad lit,” he’s now established himself as one of the best writers of women’s stories in film."
"I was not the only person to discover caftans in 2014. They are having a moment; they will have a bigger one in 2015"
[**25 Insanely Sexist Vintage Valentines via Buzzfeed
New Dating Site (Supposedly) Gives Women More Control via Jezebel**](http://jezebel.com/new-dating-site-supposedly-gives-women-more-control-1683668493?utmcampaign=socialfowjezebeltwitter&utmsource=jezebeltwitter&utmmedium=socialflow)
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The LZ Sunday Paper™ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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