LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Long Weekend, Short Note" Edition
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Many readers tell me that they love this note that goes at the top of the curated news items each week. Much appreciated, thank you!
But in my view it's the articles below, the voices of actual journalists and authors, that make the Sunday Paper what it is. Many readers agree.
This week alone, I heard from a new mom who shared with me that she has recently been enjoying her Sunday mornings in bed with her newborn baby and the LZSP. Someone sent her the The Mother's Day edition. She said that the articles transformed her perspective on her new motherhood and she signed up.
Another, who told me she was emailing me from a particularly infuriating business meeting, said that she can't wait for Sundays to come. The LZSP is something that reminds her how to get through her externally-facing "everything's okay in the board room" stance. She finds real support, a community, and an emotional outlet each week.
Sometimes, some fellows email me to say that they appreciate the newsletter, find it interesting or funny, or just email to tell me that their spouse/significant others signed them up and now they like it, too. It's a crystal clear window into how the other half lives. I feel that this is similar to why co-viewing was so high for things like the original "Sex In The City" or some of our old Bravo fare: highly entertaining and sometimes titillating.
Other incredibly gratifying emails are those that just come out of the blue from old friends and total strangers to say hello and thank you for a variety of things. Many are grateful to have an opportunity to burst out laughing, often unexpectedly; still others say they just don't have the time to root around for interesting stuff to read, past their Page Six app and the front page of the New York Times they glance at on line at Starbucks. The LZSP does it for them.
Well, let's be honest. It's not all rainbows and unicorns over here in Curationland. Every week there are many who delete the email, unread. Worse, there are those who find the whole thing annoying, and even tell me so, explicitly though inadvertently, like this reader did. And then there are those who invoke their God-given right to Unsubscribe. I am always very sad when Mailchimp informs me of a (defection-i-mean-totally-okay-and-reasonable) reader's decision not to clog their inbox.
When that happens, I try even harder to make this worth your inbox's time and attention.
So this week, I sincerely hope you enjoy the compilation of news and topical information about women in business, politics, entrepreneurship, film, tv, music, literature, sports, and pop culture. You'll be sure to peruse and click on as many articles below that strike you as interesting. And I strongly encourage you to force yourself to click on some that don't appeal to you at first glance--it's usually those that open your eyes and mind to something amazing that you didn't know you'd be interested, to begin with.
You can find the most recent copy of the Archive at LZSundayPaper.com.
You can send me a note or an item you think I should see here.
Sometimes there's so much interesting stuff out there I can't wait 'til Sunday so I tweet it during the week. Follow me @LZSundayPaper.
Enjoy the long weekend. See you next week!
How High Heels Became A Feminist Issue At Cannes via The Daily Beast
Women and Memorial Day: Women Created Memorial Day! via National Women's History Museum
Ireland Same-Sex Referendum Set To Approve Gay Marriage via The BBC
Why This Woman Is Google's Worst Nightmare via Time
Hillary Sexism Watch: Part Wev In An Endless Series via The Wall Street Journal
Corrective Rape: The Homophobic Fallout Of Post-Apartheid South Africa via The Telegraph
In My Bag: The Egypt Edition via The Photo Brigade
This Seattle Investor Just Declared That He'll Only Back Startups With At Least One Female Founder via Geekwire
Pathological, Noticeable: Another Note On Trigger Warnings via Feministing
Germans Giving Up On Babies via Project M
Misogynists Are Totally Right To Be Mad At Mad Max via The Verge
Cannes: 'Carol' Producers Christine Vachon, Elizabeth Karlsen Challenge Stereotypes via The Hollywood Reporter
'Amy' Trailer: New Look At Amy Winehouse Documentary That's Stunned Cannes via Deadline
Taylor Swift Tops The 2015 Hot 100 via Maxim
Mom On Pop: Teti's Mom Reviews 'The Price Is Right' and Stomach Cancer via The A/V Club
"Pretty Little Liars:" Despicable NYC Flyer Campaign Targets Lena Dunham and Columbia Anti-Rape Activist via Salon
Charges Against Ray Rice Dismissed via The Daily Beast
Today's Bad Idea: 'Frexting,' The Sexts You Send Friends via The Daily Beast
Florida College Sued Over Forced Vaginal Exams During Class via Jezebel
Iris Tells The Story Of A 93-Year Old Fashion Icon via Feature Shoot
Barbra Streisand To Pen Memoir via Hollywood Reporter
World's Oldest Person Just Turned 116 via USA Today
Someone Mashed Up 'Mad Max' and 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," Because Females Are Strong As Hell via Browbeat via Slate
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The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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