LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Miracle" Edition
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Dear Readers,
Happy Hanukkah!
If you are giving gelt to any of your children, hopefully it was of this variety. It might be worth 100x the original value by the 8th night of the Holiday!
Still in LA, I personally had the most fabulous Hannukah meal this week at a Hollywood power-couple's most fabulous abode. Truly one of the most stunning I've seen. With a celebratory personal-chef-catered meal that was top notch. Just family (theirs!), we lit the candles and said an extra Shehechyanu because we had all missed the first night. Will be back in New York for the final night with a truly personal chef--me.
Next Sunday, and the week after, and maybe possibly the week after that I will be in destinations far, far away. I have moderately high hopes for the internet in the French Alps. Not so much for Lapland, north of the Arctic Circle. So if you don't hear from me on one or both of the Sundays, don't fret.
So for now, treat this as the week in review rather than the year in review, and try to absorb this important, interesting, essential news about women in the world.
Send me stuff you think is interesting here.
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I am on Insta @LZSundayPaper.
Or follow me @LZFloors There's always something interesting out there, even when things are looking down.
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'The Word Of The Year' via Merriam Webster
Here's Trump With The Accusers He Claims He's Never Met via The Cut
Russell Simmons, R. Kelly, and Why Black Women Can't Say #MeToo via The New York Times
Fox News Women Furious Over Rupert Murdoch Comments On Sexual Harassment via The Huffington Post
A List Of 100+ Black Women Running For Office via AwesomelyLuvvie
The Warlock Hunt via The American Interest
Actresses To Wear Black to Golden Globes To Protest Gender Inequality, Sources Say via Hollywood Reporter
WIn 'The Year Of The Woman,' Tone-Deaf Hollywood Proves It Doesn't Have A Clue via The New York Post
'Cat Person' and The Impulse To Undermine Women's Fiction via The Atlantic
Gloria Negri, 91; Globe Reporter Broke Barriers With Daring and Panache via The Boston Globe
Leslie Wolfe, Who Pursued Equality For Women, Dies at 74 via The New York Times
Stop Feeling Bad About Your 'Arm Vaginas' via The New York Post
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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