LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "No Rain, No Gain" Edition

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Dear folks,
The Days Of Awe are upon us once again. In last year's "Confession" edition I broke down the Yom Kippur 101. Basically: Guilt, confession, atonement. A new year, new beginnings, new chances.
Here are some things that I will confess to:
Sometimes I feel like a loser when I fly coach and someone I know is in business or first. Other times I feel smug and like I have the moral high ground. Then I feel like a loser for feeling like a loser OR a winner because I honestly think airline travel is dirty, gross, and demeaning, even with TSA Pre when you don't have to take your shoes off.
Curveball: I don't feel like as much of a loser when I fly Jet Blue.
I take every "unsubscribe" to the LZSundayPaper like a stab wound to the gut.
I cannot believe that I am 52. I feel like I am 22.
I sometimes wonder if I should have, in fact, fixed my nose like the 30+ other girls (and boys! It was Great Neck North!) in high school. Then I wonder why I am wondering about that, since I haven't done any other physical interventions such as dye my hair or go to a dermatologist for filler or botox, let alone surgery.
I have lost my appetite for non-fiction books but still buy tons of them and try to read them. But I usually end up skimming them. But then end up talking about them like I've read them.
Next up: Ta-Nehisi Coates' Between The World And Me. I vow that I will not talk about it like I read it unless I actually do.
I was happy for days after Janice Huff Favorited one of my Tweets. Then I followed up with a TBT of one of my all-time favorite outfits for her. I have a collection of screenshots of almost every night she broadcasts.
Sidenote: Am adding this to the list of Tumblrs or Instagrams that would be really fun, but that I will likely never start.
It is likely a rare occurrence that back-to-back profiles of Bethenny Frankel and Julianne Moore would constitute the representation of two major parts of a single individual's career. I am that person! And I was extremely proud, happy and excited to see them in this week's New Yorker. Oh also I actually read them in their entirety (okay I skimmed just tiny bits of them) so I feel justified in talking about them.
Fun Fact: They both played Housewives in the projects that we did together and that's going to make a very good Media Studies paper for someone, some day.
I don't know who I would vote for, if the Presidential election were held tomorrow. I think I know, but I don't know for sure.
I do know that I am happy to publish The LZ Sunday Paper. The feedback is very gratifying and I think the news that it contains is important. Here's this week's roundup of Politics, Business, Tech, Digital, The Arts and Pop Culture. And some funny stuff.
Please Tweet links from the Newsletter (I will re-tweet or favorite them and then you might be happy for days, just like me); share them on Facebook, or Forward the entire thing to a Friend if you are motivated to do so.
Send me items of interest or questions/comments here.
And do peruse the back catalogue for the issues you missed, forward the Paper, or sign up at LZSundayPaper.com.
Sometimes there's so much interesting stuff out there I can't wait 'til Sunday so I tweet it during the week. Follow me @LZSundayPaper.
Again-- Shanah Tovah!

A Major, Super-Classy List Of Donald Trump's Favorite Words And Phrases For Everyone Who Is Not A Loser via New York Magazine
Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders via The Harvard Business Review
"Think Crisis, Think Female": Why Women Leaders Confront The Glass Cliff via Linked In
Don't Believe The Carly Fiorina Hype: Here's Every Major Problem With Her Performance In The GOP Debate via Salon
Clinton's Support Erodes Sharply Among Democratic Women via The Washington Post
Meet The Top 50 CFO's In America via Business Insider
Meet One Of The World's Only All-Women Peacekeeping Units via Refinery29
I Gave A Speech About Race To The Publishing Industry And Nobody Heard Me via Buzzfeed
Childcare Shouldn't Be An Issue via Inside Higher Ed
Jewel Talks About Decades Of Sexual Harassment via Vulture
Lily Tomlin: It Would Be A Big Help If Everybody Was More Feministly Inclined via Inflection Point via Ms. Magazine
NBA Commissioner: "We Thought The WNBA Would Have Broken Through By Now" via Buzzfeed
In Search For Athletic Directors, Women Are Neglected In Texas And Beyond via The New York Times
More Lipstick, More Money? A Social Experiment On Makeup via The Takeaway
Why I Love My Female Auto Mechanic via XO Jane
This Sexist Real Estate Ad Is The Worst via Refinery29
Lessons From A 16 Year Old's 'On Fleek' Life -- And Her Extraordinary Death via The Washington Post
The 'Golden Age For Women In TV' Is Actually A Rerun via The New York TImes
TV Shows With Female Showrunners Hire More Female Writers via Vocativ
Why We Need More Women Creating TV Shows via Time
'The View' Under Fire From Nurses For Mocking Miss Colorado's Monologue via The Wrap
Samantha Bee Emasculates Vanity Fair Over Late Night Boys Club Feature via Deadline Hollywood
Watch An Exclusive Clip From A Long-Lost Episode Of 'The Carol Burnett Show' via Time
Matt Damon Apologizes For Diversity Comments On 'Project Greenlight' via Variety

Watch: Connie Britton Reveals That Feminism Is The Secret To Her Great Hair via Feministing
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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