LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Not So Curious" Edition

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Many people might describe me as a "curious" person, interested in many topics and motivated to share and learn. But one thing I find I am not curious about, despite the "curious" marketing campaign, is 50 Shades Of Grey.
And it's certainly not that I'm above it! In fact, I think I am possibly below it. Or perhaps next to it. I even changed the LZSP Masthead this week to get in the spirit of all things Grey. I have been trying to embrace this phenomenon since the book came out.
Years ago, one daughter was buying books off the discount tables at The Strand to take to camp. Franny and Zooey. The Help. 50 Shades of Grey. I grabbed that darn book, but quick, and sent the other 11 off to Maine. After a quick glance--flyleaf, back cover, the usual-- it sat on my night-table for over a year. It went to the beach house. It came on vacation. Much later, that same daughter picked it up off the night-table and it was returned, unread. Must be in the genes. Now the book is back at The Strand, used but unread.
Now you know a bit more about why, last week, I didn't even cover the anticipated opening of the film. Apologies. Here are some of the approximately 2.4 trillion stories that have been written this week:
Cosmo did a very clever thing, but I don't like looking at it. I imagine neither does The Disney Company. Ewww! and Owww!
Bondage Teddy Bears and Handcuff Hostess Gifts!
Many reviewers noted that they didn't care for it much. Who cares? It is already breaking Box Office records. I further predict it will be a late-night re-watch, say-the-dialogue-along-with-the-actors phenomenon. Maybe not like "No More Wire Hangers!" or "Showgirls" level cult, but here are three lines I would like to shout along with, when and if I see the film:
1) “If you agree to be my submissive, I’ll be devoted to you.”
2) "I feel the color of my cheeks rising again. I must be the color of The Communist Manifesto.”
3) Christian: “What is your thing?” Ana (whispering): “Books.”
This all sounds very promising to me, but I have not yet organized my gal-pal movie-going party.
I will continue to analyze my lack of interest and focus on all things grey that I do enjoy. My hair. My brain cels. Most of my clothes.
One type of grey I don't enjoy is a grey sky and a negative temperature which is what we have where we are spending our President's Day Weekend:

Whether you categorize yourself as a dominant or a submissive, a top, bottom, or middle, The LZ Sunday Paper is for you. It is about, but not exclusively for, women in business, politics, digital, tech, media, music, tv, film, fashion, sports, and culture. Like the hordes of movie-goers this weekend, apparently, you will most definitely laugh by the end of the newsletter.
You can find the most recent copy of the paper and the Archive at LZSundayPaper.com. You can follow me or tweet me at @LZSundayPaper. You can send me a note or an item you think I should see at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
Happy Presidents' Day. Will it be our second-to-last to celebrate only men in that job?
Looking forward to next week's Oscars-themed Edition!

Martha Custis Washington's wedding shoes, worn on her marriage to George Washington on January 6, 1759. Silk, linen, leather, metallic lace and sequins, and wood. The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association.
Shoe Shopping With Martha Washington via Mount Vernon.org
Was Kayla Mueller's Situation Different From Other Islamic State Hostages? via The Washington Post
“Would the Islamic State kill a female hostage as brutally as they did a male?"
Jeb Bush Staffer Resigns Over Online Comments About Race and 'Sluts' via New York Magazine
" 'new study confirms old belief: college female art majors are sluts, science majors are also sluts but uglier.' "
Dominique Strauss-Kahn's Defense: He Didn't Know Prostitutes Were At The Orgies via The New York Times
"I dare you to distinguish between a prostitute and a naked socialite."
Harvard Tells Profs Not To Sleep With Undergrads via Bloomberg
"We’re not here to have sexual or romantic relationships with them."
Which Women In Tech? via Medium
"White women are a small sliver of the available talent, but are currently used as the proxy for all diversity. What works for them is not what works for us."
Teachers Give Girls Better Grades On Math Tests When They Don't Know They Are Girls via Slate XX
"New research suggests that part of the problem is that girls are being discouraged at very young ages from thinking of themselves as capable at math."
How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco's Life via The New York Times
"Amid the hundreds of congratulatory messages I received, one stuck out: “Were you a bully at school?"
Cosmopolitan's Joanna Coles and The Fourth -- Or Is It Fifth -- Wave? via New York Magazine
" 'They hook up, and then they all go down to the medical center the next morning and take Plan B together. And I was like, There’s the story.' "
Here's A Cancer Detecting Bra That's Better Than A Mammogram via Gigaom
"What if instead of…having a machine flatten your breasts, all you had to do was put on a bra?"
How Men's Rights Leader Paul Elam Turned Being A Deadbeat Dad Into A Moneymaking Movement via Buzzfeed News
"…interviews with his estranged daughter and ex-wife show that his pet causes are very, very personal."
The Top 5 Moments For Women At The 57th Annual Grammys via Makers
"Annie Lennox put a spell on us."
Princess Anne, Sorenstam Among Royal & Ancient's First Honorary Female Members via Yahoo
"The reaction I have received from some of the seven ladies is that they are absolutely thrilled to be asked."
A Woman's Place Is On Late Night via The New York Times
"It’s been a disappointing few years for anyone rooting for women to step in where men have dominated."
Johnny Cash's Love Letter To Wife June Carter Named Most Romantic Of All Time via Rolling Stone
"Also on the list:…a letter written in 1527 from King Henry VIII to his second wife Anne Boleyn — whom he later had beheaded."
To Save Their Depleted Species, Female Blue Crabs Go The Extra Mile To Spawn In The Bay via The Washington Post
“As females go, so go blue crabs."
Uma and Renee: I'm 45. Do I Have To Get A New Face Now, Too? via Time
"Iggy Azalea said 'I want to be gyrating in a leotard when I’m thirty five,' and I burst out laughing.”
Chelsea Handler's Chest Is Back On Twitter via Page Six
“If a man posts a photo of his nipples, it’s ok, but not a woman? Are we in 1825?”
'Montana Taliban' Lawmaker Claims He Was Just Joking About Outlawing Yoga Pants via Rawstory
"I want Montana to be known as a decent state and I believe this bill would bolster that reputation."
Trends Men Hate via The Nib via Medium
"Dresses Made Of Bees."
Justice Ginsberg Admits She Was Tipsy At The State Of The Union via Time
"Supreme Court Justices: They're just like us!"

Women Being Inexpertly Groped In Western Art History via The Toast

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The LZ Sunday Paper™ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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