LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Pro-Santa-Con" Edition

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Happy last day of Hanukkah!
Here's a Holiday Round-Up: a few recommendations to which to treat yourselves if you have a moment to yourselves over the next few weeks.
But first, a mini rave/rant:
Santa-Con: I know everyone's bitching about it! But even as an East Village dweller who had to bob and weave around the bobbing and weaving, some slightly stumbling Santas yesterday, I say give them a break. They're 20-something. They just finished finals and/or they have a job that they actually clock out of on Friday nights. They don't have to work all day Saturday "catching up" on all the emails they didn't get to during the work week; nor do they have to spend all day Sunday "getting a jump on Monday." No, it's not a grown up thing to do. It's called getting drunk and generally not giving a rat's ass about it.
Conversely, being "grown up" could mean a Saturday that entails:
Reconciling health insurance "Explanation of Benefits" forms
Trying to upgrade an iPhone on a family plan with a (not-to-be-named) carrier whose sole purpose is to not allow you to upgrade and stay on your (only semi-, not super-) outrageously priced Family Plan with "unlimited data" that actually does seem to be limited
Going to the dry cleaner
Filling prescriptions at the drug store because you finally got your health insurance to cover them.
Writing/Sending Holiday Cards because that's what you're supposed to do, not because you really want to
All of the above
I know which one I'd choose!
Here's some Holiday Picks--the last one is NYC-based…apologies, rest of world!:
A possible good little gift for a gal? I never thought those handbag table-top hooks would catch on, and I was right! But maybe this handbag raincoat will?
A really good movie Plus even if you don't really want to, you have to see it because it will be nominated for everything Oscar; and this year's show will be filled with movies few people saw, so you might as well see one. Plus, my dearest friends directed and produced it.
A really good play. Tricked you! It's not "Hamilton" -- which I am afraid to see because if I don't like it then I will be "that person who doesn't like 'Hamilton'." To achieve that opinion would be, by all accounts, a self-willed act of contrarianism because apparently it is simply not un-likeable. But this is a season where my innate proclivity to take an opposing view is validated. Yes, I feel a special connection with a beloved, certain Holiday character.
Final note: I don't do much press anymore, nor did I think that I resemble a slightly futuristic, blue/silver-haired virtual-reality gamer-babe, but when our monthly issue of Game Informer magazine hit our doorstep I sure did a double take!

I bet this gal is actually a good 25 years younger than me and is probably at Santa Con right now. The LZSundayPaper is on a crawl -- or rather a ramble -- right now. Please do come along and take a look at this week's news about and by women in business, politics, digital, media, film, tv, fashion, sports, and pop culture. Roughly in that order. Hand-picked. By me. For you.
Pleas use this link to Tweet or share your favorite links from the Newsletter, send me any items of interest or send questions/comments: here.
And do peruse the back catalogue for the issues you missed, forward the Paper to someone you think would enjoy it, or sign up at LZSundayPaper.com.
Sometimes there's so much interesting stuff out there I can't wait 'til Sunday so I tweet it during the week. Follow me @LZSundayPaper.
See you next week, which will be December 20th. Maybe it won't be 69-degrees, the way it was yesterday. Very pleasant, but not good for the world, methinks.

Saudi Arabia Election: Women Post Photos Online After Voting For First Time via The Independent
An All-White Jury Convicted Daniel Holtzclaw Of Rape. It's Almost Enough. via The Guardian
Largest Academic Feminist Organization In North America Backs Israel Boycott via Feministing
It Pays To Be A Woman In Banking. But Not Nearly As Much As A Man. via Quartz
IBM Pulls #HackAHairdryer Campaign Admitting It 'missed the mark' via The Guardian
On Michael Moritz: It's Not 'Foot In Mouth' Disease via Medium
Seven Lies Women Entrepreneurs Need To Stop Believing via ReCode
36% Better Return On Equity For Boards With More Women via Financial Times
Companies With Women On Their Boards Do Better -- And Not Just Because They Know Shampoo via Slate
Camille Paglia slams Taylor Swift's #GirlSquad: "Retire That Obnoxious Nazi Barbie Routine" via Salon
Games That Teach Girls To Code Are Great. But Boys Need An Intervention, Too. via Slate
Huma Abedin On Donald Trump's Anti-Muslim Plans via People Magazine
Blaming Beyoncé and popstars for crime? Ted Cruz backs insane theory that female sexuality causes violence via Salon
Gay And Trans Women Lead The Golden Globe Nominations via Indiewire
Dolls And Feelings: Jill Soloway's Post-Patriarchal Television via The New Yorker
Sweden Gives 'We Should All Be Feminists' To Every 16-Year Old Student via NPR
Nigella Nails The Smug #CleanEating Trend via Salon
Against The False Narratives Of Anorexia via Slate
Holly Woodlawn, Transgender Star Of 1970s Underground Films, Dies At 69 via The New York Times

Bjork's Astonishing New Video Was Shot From The Inside Of Her Mouth via Dazed
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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