LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Rainy Days and Sundays" Edition

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Dear Readers,
I feel bad for the postal workers who deliver our mail.
What other job exists where 90% of the work that you deliver to your customer thrown in the garbage immediately, frequently while you are standing right there?
If it were any company besides the United States Postal Service, after having missed the revolutions of mail services and delivery infrastructure called "FedEx" and "Amazon," by this point you'd at least think about doubling down on how to make your "core product," physical mail, more relevant and profitable.
Free product roadmap advice: how about something like a virtual, secure mailbox portal. The USPS could retrain and re-deploy the skills of the current workforce pretty easily. The men and women, with their wheelbarrow-shaped pushcarts avec saddlebags or their one-strap, back-breaking mail-bags, could be taught to use a scanner to scan both sides of each piece of your mail, and "deliver" that mail to your personal e-mail p.o. box.
You, the customer, could log on daily, view your many charity solicitations from various causes you feel sympathetic about but will not donate to; your many catalogues from which you may have bought something, once, years ago, but more likely not; you would peruse the several credit card offers for free miles or no financing or whatever other wallet stuffing benefits are being promised; and then you would click "Delete & Recycle" on all of those. Maybe you continue your virtual paper shuffle as you also virtually dispose of real estate sales postcards for apartments and houses nothing like yours; marketing mail from summer camps your kids attended a decade ago; and maybe an envelope that at first glance looked like some sort of bill, but then you remember that there is not a single paper bill that you receive any more, having relegated all credit cards, utilities, rent, mortgage, parking, bank statements, insurance, and tuition payments to the e-realm.
But still, good news, you're excited to click "Yes, please deliver" on what looks be a hand-written Thank You note from the bar mitzvah you attended a couple of weeks ago; maybe also your College Alumni Magazine; and, unfortunately, you do have to click "Yes" on your jury duty summons and the parking ticket you got in France where they somehow track your rental car all the way back to you, five months later.
But really, think about it--fewer dog bites, less double parking, less physical stress and strain, more modern skills for them. Less waste, less mis-routed mail, better experience for you. More recycling, efficiently and in bulk, for the planet.
Maybe down the roadmap in a couple of decades the USPS could innovate some more, and add on some features in your e-mailbox like "order stamps" or "pick up a package from my house" or other services our government postal service has not gotten around to offering in the 243 years it's been around? Surely, the same folks who did a halfway-decent job with the Constitution didn't have this stagnation in mind when they invented the Post Office, right?
Well, I can't do everyone's job. So I'll stick to mine, delivering the most important news of the week for women in business, politics, the arts and culture, straight to your virtual doorstep, every Sunday morning. No waste, no hassle, no pollution, just interesting, sometimes fun or funny stuff you need to know.
Do continue to send me comments, along with articles, photos, or videos you think are interesting, important, or amusing here.
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Looking forward to visiting many airport lounges this week…not!…
See you in May-- wow!

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Where Is The Line Between Inspiring Girls, and Misleading Them? via Glamour
The Challenge For Silicon Valley's Women's Movement Is To Keep Momentum After The #MeToo Scandals Fade Away via Recode
The Black Feminists Who Saw The Alt-Right Coming via Slate
How To Inspire Girls To Become Carpenters and Electricians via CityLab
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The Agnes Varda I Knew: Showing Women Their Real Place In Movies via The New York Times
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How Sexism and Machismo Shaped The Iowa Writer's Workshop via The New Republic
Is This *The* Millennial Parent Book? via The Cut
A Hideous-Men Walking Tour via The New Yorker
Why Don't Women Get Sports Comebacks Like Tiger Woods via The New York Times
The Most Hated Gymnast In The NCAA via Slate
Trump Fed Nominee Stephen Moore Was Very Upset About Women In Sports, Just As A General Thing via Deadspin

Remembering The All-Female Big Bands That Made History During World War II via Northwest Public Broadcasting
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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