LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Replicant" Edition
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Dear Readers,
It seems like every(privileged)body who isn't deathly ill or worried sick has been keeping busy with plenty of quarantine antics. Friends and family and social media is full up sharing it all.
We're not so original over here: working, Zooming, cooking and cleaning continued apace.
If I had to pick a couple of highlights, here they are. Well, the first one qualifies as a quarantine achievement, maybe not a highlight. And certainly not a total highlight of the film canon, but yesterday's marathon of all four Daniel-Craig-as-James-Bond films was a notable achievement. It was like a weird version of Sundance, the only other place I routinely see three or four movies a day. Like the festival, I am sure I'm going to remember each film, in detail, forever. But I rarely do. In this case, I will be hard-pressed to remember any of the details of any of them! And I need to for at least seven months, which is when the release date for his fifth and final Craig-Bond installment was pushed to. At this point maybe it feels a bit optimistic that we will be out of quarantine by then.
Okay I'm thinking back on this week. It both flew by in an eyeblink at the same time it felt like an eternity.
One actual highlight of the week involved…parsnips. My relatively large building in Greenwich Village has implemented a building intranet, like an old fashioned e-bulletin board from Web 1.0 days. It is an incredibly neighborly enterprise, with people posting about cat-sitting needs, household help wanted/needed, Pennysaver-era offerings. There are huge benefits to community building. One of the few non-benefits is that there seems to be an intricate approval process by the managing agent, so it takes a few days for each posting to go live. So things like "Two tickets to Hamilton available TONIGHT, Orchestra row M, 2 seats, face value or best offer" don't really work too well. But this week when I saw "Neighbors: I ordered 6 parsnips from Agata & Valentina but they delivered 6 pounds! Tell me if you want the excess and I will safely deliver them to your door," I jumped at the chance for a) free food, even if they were parsnips and b) a chance to to enhance our to-be-Zoomed Passover Seder side dishes or have a couple left over for some chicken soup stock!
Yes, I admit I was excited for the free food. A few weeks ago it was I who responded to the listing: "Neighbors: I bought too much cat food of a certain type. If anyone wants Organic Pumpkin Salmon cans, they're free for the taking. My cat won't eat it." Yes, I jumped at it! and Ferdinand's empty dish let me know that he appreciated it very much, as well.
That's the news from Coronaville.
Hopefully a highlight for you: This must-read, hopefully non-hysterical culling of the most important, thought-provoking news about women in politics, business, media, health, the arts, and pop culture.
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Happy Passover and Happy Easter-- It's a one-two weekend Pot-Roast/Ham-filled punch.
Consensus Grows On 'Phase 4' Corona Virus Relief via Politico
Why This Economic Crisis Differs From The Last One, For Women via The New York Times
Delaying 'Non-Essential' Abortions During Coronavirus Crisis Endangers Women's Health and Financial Future via The Conversation
For Pregnant Women Who Are Scared Of Hospitals Right Now, Is Switching To Home Birth Better? via Slate
Don't Nag Your Husband During Lockdown, Malaysia's Government Advises Women via NPR
Kim Kardashian West Says She Wants To Go Blonde Again After Quarantine Is Over Allure
A Preventable Cancer Is On The Rise In Alabama via The New Yorker
Long-Silenced Victim Of A Pedophile Writer Gets To Tell Her Story via The New York Times
The 2020 International Booker Prize Shortlist Is Mostly Women (Again) via LitHub
The Best Pajamas On Amazon, According To Hyper-Enthusiastic Reviewers via New York Magazine
Chiquita Evans Becomes First Woman To Be Drafted Into The NBA 2K League via SB Nation
April Dunn, Louisiana Fighter For Disability Rights, Dies At 33 via The New York Times
Notable Women In History Solitaire via National Women's History Museum
The LZ Sunday Paper™ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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