LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Shakira Where Are You?: Polls Don't Lie" Edition

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This week, I had approximately 40 hours of cleansing mountain air in Aspen, CO. But then got back to another altogether stifling, terrible news event after what we all probably thought was rock bottom, in terms of violence, hate, and general disconnection from one another, all around the world.
On the eve of the first Political Convention, two personal anecdotes, somewhat related:
In the category of "something is off with your data targeting/save your postage":

I appreciated greatly the stamp of "Personal" on the envelope. I felt special! And, yes I absolutely do know Mr. Trump personally. Was I surprised that inside the envelope marked "Personal" was a form letter likely sent to 40 bajillion other people? No. Disappointed? Maybe. Amused, yet vaguely disgusted with my self for being so? Definitely.
The last time Donald and I chatted was backstage at The Jimmy Fallon Show. Fun, right?! Well unfortch it was due to SuperStorm Sandy. Forced out of our downtown, storm-ravaged apartment, I was staying in one of the all-time weirdest hotel rooms (the phrase "theme hotel" comes to mind) in Times Square, going to work every day. School was cancelled. Staving off the fate of 5 of us holed up in this kooky very-small-but-price-jacked-way-up hotel room for the night by a couple of hours, my family came to the taping of the Fallon show.
Regularly scheduled guests could not travel to New York City, so two inveterate New Yorkers were quickly booked. One was Mr. Trump.
My family was seated in the studio audience (along with some mighty stunned tourists) but I was backstage. A note was delivered to me from a production assistant. Mr. Trump was asking if it was alright to come out and say hello. I don't know who was the proverbial Mountain and who was Mohammed in this case, and therefore who was supposed to come/go to which person, he came right out to where I was, and chat we did.
My son was too young to sit in the audience section, according to the rules of the production, so he was standing with me. It was a very cordial, work-focussed, normal(ish), Trumpian convo, I'd say 7 minutes, tops. Being a good young-fashioned 10-year-old non-tv watcher (and deeply unimpressed with any of "Mommy's work," anyway) he had no idea who he was shaking hands with, but was observant enough to ask later, in private, "what was up" with certain follicular attributes of our skilled conversationalist. I said "classic" and "personal style" are phrases to be used in that particular instance and that was that.
It was a very weird time in New York City and the show was, by the way, fantastically led by Jimmy and his first guest.
Jimmy's second guest was another inveterate and highly bookable New Yorker -- Andy Cohen! Yes, not just work-friend but actual-friend Andy was there, which was fun, too! (But also not impressive to any family member due to actual-friendness aka not caring a hoot about famousness of said friend.)
Cut to 4 years later, ie. now.
I guess I have an epistolary relationship with both of them, now that I've received that one letter from Donald. But truth be known, Andy and I have a near-daily text/email conversation, which I'd characterize as vast quantities of the quizzical observational minutiae of our lives.
For those of you who don't know, Andy's show does a poll every night. They, like Andy and the show itself, are very popular. Also like Andy, it is rarely wrong.
So, in one of our nightly "can you believe what is happening in this world of ours" exchanges, Andy sent me the results of that show's poll. Is the poll sometimes about which character of which show the viewers are siding with? Yes. Is it sometimes about which character of a certain show might be going getting divorced or going to jail? Yes. Is it sometimes about which candidate is going to win the United States Presidential Election? YES. And…reminder: I'm just telling you, these polls are more accurate than super-expert statistician Nate Silver.
The question: Who Are You Going To Vote For?:

Yup. The question was not "who do you think is going to win the Presidential Election?"
I clarified with the WWHL The Data and Analytics Team expert it was "who are you going to vote for in the Presidential Election?"
So much for the supposedly exclusively liberal, educated, affluent, coastal, female, gay audience!
Let's see if Andy's poll statistics hold up, T-minus and counting.
Like I said, not a fabulous week for many reasons, but there are definitely a few bright spots in this week's selection of pieces by and about (but not exclusively for) women in business, politics, digital, technology, media, film, tv, fashion, sports, literature and general pop culture. Handpicked, by me, for you. Again, laughs are hard to come by this week. Aiming for bemusement.
You can peruse the archive at LZSundayPaper.com.
Faithful readers-- thank you so much for the stories you send to me! Keep sending any items of interest or send questions/comments: here.
Sometimes there's so much interesting stuff out there I can't wait 'til Sunday so I tweet it during the week. Follow me @LZSundayPaper.
And don't forget, follow me at my @LZSundayPaper Instagram. If you enjoy floors, or just looking down, then you might enjoy @LZFloors.
See you next week.
Lauren Z.

The Women Who Are Cleaning Up (Men's Messes) via The New York Times
From Merkel To May, Will Women Soon Rule The World? via The World Economic Forum
Andrea Leadsom Doesn't Hate The Childless, She's Just Hopelessly Naive via The Telegraph
Remarks By The President At The United States Of Women Summit via Medium
The Bernie Bros Guide To Falling In Line For Hillary via Vice
Ivanka Trump Is Not Going To Save Us via New York Magazine
Justice Sonia Sotomayor: "No One Can Breathe In This Atmosphere" via Slate
What A Prior Fox News Discrimination Suit Shows About Roger Ailes And Proving Retaliation via The Hollywood Reporter
Street Harassment Of Women Just Became A Hate Crime In This County via The Washington Post
Dr. Paid Less: An Old Title Still Fits Female Physicians via The New York Times
A New Crop Of Companies Want To Make Your Period Empowering via Bloomberg
Taylor Swift Crowned The World's Top-Earning Artist In Forbes' Celebrity Rich List via The Guardian
Emmy Voters Snub 'Samantha Bee' And Other Deserving Women via The Los Angeles Times
The Perfect Binge-Watchable Show Finally Became Available In The U.S. via Vanity Fair
Not Quite 'Brazil': Meg Ryan, Plastic Surgery, and My Mother's Augmentation via Salon
Maria Grazia Chiuri Now At Dior: How It Happened. What It Means via The New York Times
Tampon Fandom: 5 Questions With The Co-Creators Of 'Carmilla' via BrandChannel
Laurie Hernandez Brings The Sass, And The Class, At U.S. Women's Olympics Gymnastics Trials via The Los Angeles Times
Serena Williams Is The Greatest via The Atlantic
Emily Ratajkowski Subverts The Male Gaze, Risks Injuring Her Crotch The Cut
Transgender Voice Therapy And What It Means To Sound Like A Woman via The Awl
L.A. Gym Bans Playboy Model After She Posts Body-Shaming Shower Photo On Snapchat via The L.A. Times
Sexism Is Literally Ruining Women's Sex Lives via Salon
She Would Have Been 99: #BornThisDay, Actor, Barbara Stanwyck via The WOW Report

In The 1920's, The Now-Forgotten Flood Of 'Girl Mayors' Became The Face Of Feminism via Atlas Obscura
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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