LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Sleep-Deprived" Edition
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Every week there is something to celebrate. While last week I suggested that you enjoy a mimosa as I wished you all a happy International Women's Day, this week I encourage you to have a screwdriver in honor of Pi Day! I didn't make any sartorial suggestions last week for IWD, but in case you are looking for a pair of casual spring sneaker-shoes that also celebrate the magic of 3.14, I have found just the thing. I must have been asleep at the wheel, because I also completely missed National Sleep Awareness Week! I bet the folks who run all the marketing and events for National Sleep Awareness Week are at their busiest during that week and therefore ironically are very aware that they get less sleep than they need. Or maybe they actually all were sound asleep and therefore didn't do a very good job publicizing their mission which i why I totally missed it.
I feel like there is never a time when the data from the scientific community, or even a single person I have ever met in my entire life, says something like "I get enough sleep, I feel rested enough to be calm and productive, my sleep cycles are in rhythm with my work and family responsibilities, thank you!"
I hypothesize that if we all got enough sleep way back in the day, let's say shortly after the Pleistocene Era, wild animals and maybe other people would have killed and eaten us while we were sleeping so much. So it was evolutionarily best to wake up a little bit early, a bit groggy and crabby, then go off hunting and gathering for the day, and just be a little irritable because the third latte from the Pleistocene Starbucks didn't quite do the trick. Irritable, yet alive. That's how I think most of us function today. I'll take it!
I'm continuing the evolutionarily sleep-deprived strength of the species this week. Whatnot meetings and panels and timezone changes and driving around looking for really good barbecue interfered. But no animals ate me while I slept soundly so I consider myself ahead of the game, once again.
The LZ Sunday Paper is very well rested, because it takes a nap for approximately six days and wakes up on Sunday, when it is very, very active. It gets a good workout talking about women in business, politics, digital, tech, media, music, tv, film, fashion, sports, and culture, and throws in a good laugh right before it goes down for it's nap.
You can find the most recent copy of the paper and the Archive at LZSundayPaper.com. You can follow me or tweet me at @LZSundayPaper. You can send me a note or an item you think I should see at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
Howdy from SXSW, and Cheers to Spring kinda finally arriving!
This Group Wants To Banish Andrew Jackson From The $20 Bill via The Washington Post
"We wanna be the hashtag that says #sorryAndrew."
Pajama-Clad Bill Cosby To Fans: "I'm Far From Finished" via The Washington Post
"Bill Cosby released a bizarre video message to fans Monday."
How Barb Mikulski Paved The Way For Hillary Clinton's Pantsuits via Time
"Pantsuits are practical, they’re apolitical and they save time and mental energy."
Chinese Police Detain Feminist Activist Ahead Of International Women's Day via Feministing
"The feminists had planned to publicly rally against sexual harassment."
This Little-Seen MSNBC Interview Has Big Implications For Working Moms via Fortune
"Newborn baby, breastfeeding mom, no big deal—let’s get to work."
Germany Sets Gender Quotas In Boardrooms via The New York Times
"…the greatest contribution to gender equality since women got the vote” in Germany in 1918."
Uber's Women Initiative Is Nothing But PR via The Daily Beast
"If you can’t vet and check and educate your drivers properly, you shouldn’t be in business."
A Guide To The Sex Discrimination Lawsuit That's Roiling Silicon Valley via Gawker
"Women are only welcome in the VC world as long as they don't complain or act 'resentful.' "
Twitter Keeps Dick Costolo's Promise With New Anti-Harrassment Tools via Pando Daily
“It's not perfect…but at least the issue is being taken seriously."
Female Founders Explain What It Takes To Start Your Own Company via Business Insider
"[Here is] a book of elaborate doodle notes based on the advice of each founder."
The NBA and Lean-In Foundation Are Partnering To Promote Gender Equality via GigaOm
"What do LeBron James and Sheryl Sandberg have in common?”
KC Royals Hear A Personal Plea To End Violence Against Women via The New York Times
"Did Redmond forgive the hulking defensive lineman she had accused of twice raping her when she was a University of Nebraska freshman almost a quarter-century ago?"
Paul Feig On 'Ghostbusters' Backlash: 'Some Of The Most Vile Misogynistic Stuff I've Ever Seen In My Life' via Uproxx
"People (mostly men)…claim that the film will ruin their childhood"
See The Cinderella Whose Performance Reached 100 Million Views In 1957 via Time
"Julie Andrews received an Emmy nomination for her performance."
'India's Daughter' Film Review: This Film Does What Politicians Should Be Doing via The Guardian
"In our culture there is no place for women."
Madonna: Reporting My Violent Rape Wasn't Worth The Humiliation via Jezebel via Howard Stern
“Asked if she ever considered going home to Michigan after everything that happened to her, Madge responded with an incredulous 'Have you ever been to Rochester, Michigan?' "
Is Cultural Marxism Turning London Women Into Sneaker-Wearing, iPhone-Dropping Degenerates? via We Hunted The Mammoth.com
"The far right racist douchebag-o-sphere has been warning us for some time…"
Meet The Chicago Teen Behind 'On Fleek' via Newsweek
"We in this, finna get crunk. Eyebrows on fleek, da fuq."
Still Don't Understand Consent? Imagine You're Making A Cup Of Tea via Feministing
"If they are unconscious, don't make them tea."
Elementary Feminisms: Being A Feminist At 14 via The Feminist Wire
"Feminism has just as many benefits for men as it does for women."
Are These The First Miniskirts and Hotpants? via Mashable
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The LZ Sunday Paper™ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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