LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Speak Up, I Can't Hear You!" Edition


Comic-Con, NYC, 2014
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Dear Subscribers,
Yesterday was National Coming Out Day. This article says that it was established in 1988, exactly one year after a historic march on Washington for Gay Rights, specifically to lobby then-President Ronald Reagan to recognize the need for (more) awareness and money for AIDS. I remember it like I was there.
The theme of the March and the theme of the movement at the time was encapsulated in the slogan Silence=Death. Meaning that if no one talked about the crisis, specifically not confronting who was most at risk for contracting HIV and exactly how, more people would die.
Turns out, it was a pretty good slogan. Don't you think we could use it today in many situations to get more people to speak up, goad the silent, raise awareness, and spur others to action?
To me, though, it's pretty amazing how much more speaking up and speaking out there seems to be. Like, literally amazing to see things like "Ally Week" at many high schools around NYC (and I hope, the country) in anticipation of National Coming Out Day. Or, like the above photograph taken at The Javits Center, host site of NYC Comic-Con. These awesomely enthusiastic youngsters were at a panel I sat in on. I wonder if they and some of the 110,000 other Cos-Play-clad attendees (short for Costume Play, fyi) read the sign. Either way, they don't seem like they are going to be silent on any issues they deem important. That's good.
The LZSundayPaper tries to not remain silent on any important issue we deem important for women in business, digital, tech, media, sports, fashion, music, movies, tv, and culture. The culture we seek is sometimes high, sometimes low, infrequently medium. Our audience, costumed or not, is getting vast-er, and isn't gender-driven.
Every week we expect you to break your silence with at least one good laugh.
Don't forget to send us interesting stuff you think we may have missed, and tell us what you think OR tell people you think will enjoy it to sign up at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
Many of the articles we don't have room to include in the weekend edition are tweeted out during the week! You can read/see them if you follow it/me/us @LZSundayPaper.

Nobel Prize Winner Malala Yousafzai's Most Inspiring Moments via Mashable
News and Insights:
Microsoft CEO Tells Women Not To Ask For A Raise At Women In Tech Event via Valleywag
"Women, Like Men Only Cheaper," Tech Exec Tells Conference via HR Grapevine
Venture Capital And The Great Big Silicon Valley A**hole Game via Pando Daily
Etsy's Trying To Fix Tech's Women Problem. Why Aren't You? via Matter via Medium
Rated S For Sexism: To Fix Misogynistic Games We Need A Better Filter via Re/Code
The Future Of E-Commerce? Mary Meeker Says 'Buttons' via Linked In
Can Women Fix Capitalism? via McKinsey
Nestle's 'Bra-Cam' Catches People Stealing Glances, But There's A Fun Twist Ending via Ad Week
Shonda Rhimes Opens Up About 'Angry Black Woman' Flap, Messy 'Gray's Anatomy' Chapter, and the 'Scandal' Impact via Hollywood Reporter
Donna Brazile Fires Back At New York Times' 'Good Wife' Criticisms via Indiewire
The All Female 'Ghostbusters' Is A Go With Paul Feig and Katie Dippold via The Nerdist
Why The First White House Fashion Show Was Also The Last via Slate
How Nudity Became The New Normal via Time
Expensive Engagement Rings and Weddings Related To Short-Lived Marriages: Study via The Daily News
Fighting For The Body She Was Born With via The New York Times
Men's Health Pulls Guide On Explaining Sports To Women After Backlash via Time
Football 101: For Women via The Jacksonville Jaguars
Girl, 12, Tells Dick's Sporting Goods: 'There are NO Girls In The Catalog' via Today Show
The Evidence Of Polygamy Is In Our Genes via The Washington Post
Women & Power: The New York Times Book Review Round-Up via The New York Times
In Louisiana, Rape Victims Are Billed Thousands Of Dollars For Hospital Exams via Slate
A Phone Call Helped Navy's First 4-Star Woman Embrace Her Path via NPR

Ladies, Let Sarah Silverman Convince You To Get A Sex Change To Fix The Gender Wage Gap via Mother Jones

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The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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