LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Start-It-Up" Edition

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This week we say so long to August. And, since we all cow-tow to the laws of Labor Day as the arbiter of seasonality, say farewell to Summer, too.
My September is going to be a busy one! Amongst other things, I am greatly looking forward to the release of a feature-length documentary, the origination of which I had the great good fortune to make the shidduch!
I have hosted an annual "networking" breakfast for many years. It's for a media-centric group of people from my alma mater, Brown University. It started as a get-together of just people I knew from work, over the years, who all had media in common and Brown in common, without me necessarily having known all of them at school. Turns out, those 15 or so people had a great time, and/or ended up expanding their business circles, and/or reconnected with folks they had lost track of. The next year many of them each recommended another person or two be invited. Before you know it, we're going on 10 years+ of these events, with a huge list of amazing work-people with a connection to a school that changed their lives!
So anyway, at one breakfast a couple of years ago, three of those people happened to be seated near each other. An entrepreneur, who runs a phenomenal not-for-profit was seated near a fabulous film & tv producer and an expert in marketing and film distribution. Their acquaintanceship bloomed into professional relationship which blossomed into the development, financing, and production of a wonderful and (so far) amazingly well-received film called Generation Start-Up. It is the story of 6 entrepreneurs who spend two years at different start-ups in Detroit. Guess what? Turns out it is really not easy to start and run a business. With people who have never done it before. When you're 24. In a City you don't know. Which is undergoing its own transformation. It will open theatrically in September in New York City, Los Angeles, and Detroit. And you will be correct if you bet that I will give you a big reminder and specific theater information when we get closer!
I am sharing this because at the end of last week's depressing missive right here in the LZSP, about the state of idiots fakely apologizing for their idiotic deeds and statements, I said that if I hadn't been compelled to write about these idiotic idiots I would have shared some news about a couple of the film and tv projects I've been working on. So, this is one of those pieces of news!
In a way, I look at the Paper as another fun "networking event" such as my alum media breakfast. It started with a list of people who I knew from work. We shared something in common, from somewhere. Those who were so motivated told some similarly minded people about it. Now it's a much bigger list and, like our breakfasts, I sure don't know everyone, but I feel like when everyone comes together they have experienced an exchange of ideas, discovered something, and hopefully had a laugh.
Enjoy the final August, august round-up of news and pop culture by and about (but not exclusively for) women in politics, business, politics, technology, media, film, tv, fashion, sports, literature and general pop culture. Oh also, I swore that last week would be my final week of Olympics coverage. But I lied.
For more news during the week, follow me @LZSundayPaper.
Keep sending any items of interest or send questions/comments: here.
Follow me at my @LZSundayPaper Instagram. If you enjoy floors, or just looking down, then you might enjoy @LZFloors.

Sexism In Olympic Coverage via The New York Times
Clinton Republicans: How Donald Trump Is Driving Professional Women Away From The Republican Party via The Economist
Race, Activism, and Hillary Clinton at Wellesley via The New Yorker
'Dr. Drew' Show Canceled Days After Host's Negative Speculation About Hillary Clinton's Health via The Washington Post
Anti-Abortion Advocates Seek Fresh Ammunition To Justify Restrictions via Politico
Need A Birth Control Prescription? There's An App For That via The Washington Post
4 Lesbians Sue Over New Jersey Rules On Fertility Treatment via The New York Times
Canada's Hijab-Friendly Police Uniforms via The Atlantic
Women Journalists Share Their Stories Of Sexual Harassment via Newsweek
Why Your Diversity Program May Be Helping Women but Not Minorities (or Vice Versa) via The Harvard Business Review
The Stanford Rape Case Judge Steps Aside via The Atlantic
How Beyoncé's 'Lemonade' Helped Bring A Groundbreaking Film Back To Theaters via Vanity Fair
This Dark Movie About Infidelity Is The Best Movie Of The 20th Century, Female Critics Say via Quartz
How Hair Style Could Be Linked To Weight In Teen Girls via Time
A Storm Over Sexism In Stand-Up Comedy via The Atlantic
The NHL's First Female Coach via The Atlantic
Life Lessons From A Small Town Undertaker As White Women Die Younger In America via The Washington Post
21 Books Every Woman Should Read In Her Lifetime via Buzzfeed
Dinner For 6: The Literary Ladies I Want Sitting At My Table via Brightly
Meet The Huntresses: 5 Biographies Of Adventurous Women via Signature Reads

An Indian Village Plants 111 Trees Every Time A Girl Is Born via Atlas Obscura
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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