LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "T-Minus 52 Days...and Counting...as Fast As I Can" Edition

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Honestly, this presidential election can't come soon enough.
I'd like to say I don't even care any more what happens, just get it over with so we can stop talking about it and reading about it and I can stop clipping articles about it each week, but I just can't say that.
Unfortunately for the nation's mental health status, as well as my personal one, we have to still care all the way through 11/8/16, approximately 52 days from now. This has a parallel to "dog years," insofar as each day between now and the election can represent--and feel as long as-- a year of my life.
Full disclosure:
I do have a scraped knee, but I'm treating it well with Bacitracin ointment and Band-Aid brand bandages. It happened on a tennis court last Sunday, which is seven days ago, a regrettably long time. But I am disclosing it at the very first Sunday opportunity after you received last week's Paper. Maybe I should have Facebooked or Tweeted or Snapchatted it out when it happened.
I take no medicine for blood pressure or high cholesterol or stuff like that. My hair sometimes looks weird but noone has ever questioned whether it was my own. I'm tan from spending some time this summer at the beach but as far as I know, I am not orange-ish.
I was born in the United States. For sure. Mt. Sinai. NYC. So far noone has disputed this but if you do, you can ask my mother and she will tell you exactly where and when I was birthed.
Here's the best information culled from my non-secure servers after searching the intrawebs all week long for you: everything about and by women as it relates to politics, business, technology, media, film, tv, fashion, sports, literature and general pop culture. Handpicked, by me, for you.
For more news during the week, sans health alerts, follow me @LZSundayPaper.
I got a ton of great items from folks this week. Hat-tips galore. Keep sending anything of interest-- or your questions/comments--: here.
Plug of the Week if you live in LA, NY, or Detroit: Go see our feature-length documentary film opening this Friday 9/23, "Generation Start-Up." Watch a trailer and get more information on Fandango here or watch a cool R29 vignette about a great woman in the film here or find out a whole lot more about how it all came together here.
I haven't posted on Instagram too much lately, but I will try to do better! So follow me at my @LZSundayPaper Instagram. If you enjoy floors, or just looking down, then you might enjoy my 100% gender-neutral @LZFloors.

My Brother's Pregancy and The Making Of A New American Family via Time
White House Women Want To Be In The Room Where It Happens via The Washington Post
Trump Steps Up Anti-Abortion Stance, Taps Dannenfelser via Real Clear Politics
Is Ivanka For Real? via Highline via Huffington Post
Why Top Women Are Disappearing From Corporate America: There Are No Second Acts via Fortune
Tech Crunch 'Disrupt' Shows An Industry Grappling With Diversity via The San Francisco Chronicle
Female Scientists Turn To Data To Fight Lack Of Representation On Panels via The New York Times
Deloitte Enters The Paid Leave Arms Race With 16 Weeks Of Maternity Leave via Fortune
What Are Gender Barriers Made Of? via Freakonomics
Carla Hayden Is Officially Sworn In As The First Woman And African American Librarian Of Congress via Vox
My Teen Boys Are Blind To Rape Culture via The Washington Post
Women Reign On Emmy Favorites, But Few Are Involved In Making Them via The Guardian
Here's Proof That 2016 Has Been An Unparalleled Year For Women Of Color On TV via Fusion
White Guys Grappling With A New Reality On TV via The New York Times
Miss America's Q&A Segment: The Most Absurd Pageant Of All via The Atlantic
Why Doesn't 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' Show The Nannies? via Slate
Anita Sarkeesian's New Web Series Celebrates Defiant Women via Mashable
The Comedians' Web Series: A Guide To Womanhood via The New Yorker
Tim Gunn: Designers Refuse To Make Clothes To Fit American Women. It's A Disgrace. via The Washington Post
The 9 Best Sports Bras, According To Sport (and Size) via The Cut
The Women Of Oxford University Polo Club via Polo Lady Magazine
The Difference Between 'Girls' Life' and 'Boys' Life' Magazine Covers Is Infuriating via Refinery 29
A Doorwoman In A Doorman's World via The Atlantic

Kristen Bell Has The Cheap Labor Your Company Is Looking For: Women! via The Huffington Post
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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