LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "This All Happened?" Edition --

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Dear Readers,
Happy Fathers Day!
Is it possible that all of this happened in the past week?
--That Uber's #2 was fired and its #1 is leaving the company on a 3-month hiatus?
--That Megyn Kelly had a bad first interview with a badguy world leader and elicited a shitstorm in anticipation of her second?
--That the healthcare bill which will further erode women's rights is being negotiated in secret?
--That Cosby's trial ended in a mistrial and his wife is going to the mat to defend him?
--That Kamala Harris was interrupted during the Washington hearing and also Arianna Huffington was interrupted during the meeting to address rampant sexism in the Uber workplace and culture (see item 1 and begin the daisy chain again).
And the terrible fire in London. I am very sorry about that and hope some remuneration and legislation comes to pass to help the victims' families and prevent other disasters.
And that the young man came home from North Korea, having been in a coma for a year.
There's tons more, below. Not all of it depressing-- I promise! There's also incredible and uplifting and funny news, too. And with all the bullshit and horrifying news of the week in review, I missed a lot-- like the fact that Yoko gets her due. And that there's a new poet laureate.
The interrupting stories were really off the hook this week. Maybe next week I'll weigh in with some of my own 4,157 stories. I wasn't interrupted so much, in my recollection. I fall more in the category of the textbook stories you hear about women saying something, and then LITERALLY the next thing someone says is what you said, but they say it and everyone else says "great idea!" Textbook cases, I can tell you. But really I think I also got the other end of the stick. The inverse of being interrupted is being called on the carpet for being an interrupter -- which I can most certainly be, at times -- but usually no different than the manner in which other folks routinely speak in meetings. And, truth be told, often because there was no other chance to get a word in edgewise!
Meanwhile -- Send me stuff you think should go in next week's edition here. I have a bajillion pieces that I just don't have room for in the weekly edition, so you can follow me on Twitter to get a daily fix of news by and about women in business, politics, media, arts, and pop culture. I am technically on Insta @LZSundayPaper but have been almost completely dormant. It seems harder for me to translate the news about women of the minute/day/week purely visually. I'm all about the words, when it comes to women.
So check out the gender-free way that I see the world at @LZFloors .
Hope you have a lovely day whether you are celebrating Father's Day or not. Most Dads are doing the best they can -- mine sure did! But just in case you are a new Mom or want to think back on when you were, I like this piece -- especially on Father's Day -- which reminds us why you might hate your husband (aka the Father's Day celebrant) after your kid is born. This might have something to do with it:
"Researchers from the U.K.’s Mindlab International found that while a baby’s cry was the No. 1 sound most likely to wake a woman, it didn’t even figure into the male top ten, lagging behind car alarms and strong wind."
If you're not feeling hateful for STRONG WIND waking your male mate up quicker than your crying baby for the fourth time last night, perhaps you'd like to contemplate his facial hair attractiveness index and see if you are on par with what both women and men think. About beards, that is.
See you next week//LZ

Yoko Ono To Receive Songwriting Credit On 'Imagine,' 48 Years Later via NPR
The Long and Winding Road Of Yoko Ono's Art via The Smithsonian
No Justice In Cosby Rape Trial: Another Stark Reminder That Rape Culture Hasn't Been Conquered Yet via Salon
How Do We Criticize Problematic Women? via Elle
Serbia To Have First Gay Prime Minister As Ana Brnabic Is Chosen via The BBC
Susan Fowler Did This via Pando Daily
Retail Bankruptcies Spell Trouble For Females In The Workforce via The Observer
All Male PR Panel Tells Women They Can Fix Sexism By 'Speaking Up More Loudly' via The Observer
Women Are Building Real Brands Selling Knock-off Clothing via SupChina via ReDef
Guess Who Made Computers The Design Tools They Are Today? Women. via FastCo Design
Girls Who Code Club Basks In Success Of 'Under My Wing' App via Greenwich Free Press
H&M's Foundation Of Female Entrepreneurs You Don't Know, But Should…via Fortune
Drew Faust Will Step Down As Pioneering President Of Harvard via The Chronicle of Higher Education
Men Are The Worst! In Mandy Moore's New Movie '47 Meters Down' via Cosmopolitan
America Finally Has Its First Black Bachelorette via New York Magazine
A Primer On Power Dressing From 'House Of Cards' via The New York Times
Vegan Ice Cream and Sex Tips Dispensed At Gwyneth's First Goop Conference via Bloomberg
If Sex And The City Came Out In 2017 Miranda Would Be The Best Character via ManRepeller
Meet Our New U.S. Poet Laureate, Tracy K. Smith via The L.A. Times
Learning and Unlearning: Writing About Sex Work via Hazlitt
[The Personal Parenting Essay Is Not Dead via Motherwell](http:// https://motherwellmag.com/2017/06/15/an-editors-perspective-the-personal-parenting-essay-is-not-dead/)
The Universal Phenomenon Of Men Interrupting Women via The New York Times
17 Examples Of Mansplaining So Cringeworthy Your Jaw Will Drop via The Observer

Real Fake News: Opera vs. Trump via YouTube
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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