LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "This Time I Really Mean It" Edition
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Dear Readers,
Did Daylight Savings Time knock anyone else for a loop? How could one hour so detrimentally impact me? I'm happy enough for the hour of daylight coming out of a meeting, or coming out of yoga, or or whatever else is happening at 6 or 7pm. But I am deeply unappreciative of the freezing darkness which greets us before 7am, extending what feels like a verrrrrry long winter. Net effect: I'm done with you, Winter.
For me, here in New York City winter weather is kind of like a bad relationship. It keeps promising to change. It maybe does, for a day or so, here and there. That mid-January taste of warmth is like an unexpected bouquet of flowers. You are ecstatic. Hey, this might work out after all.
But it doesn't, really.
It goes back to its frigid, blustery, unforgiving ways. Spring promises to trickle in, but it actually takes months. The routine is slow to change, to put the old outfits and habits away for a while and not fall back into them. Then finally! June and July are peak weather relationship months. Sort of. Then…by August you're kind of two-timing Summer, sort of thinking fondly of your friend Mr. (or Ms.) Cold and wondering what they're up to. Then, one day in September, Cold texts you (maybe drunk?) and you're like oh! s/he still likes me, that's cool. But I'm really committed to Warm. But Warm's too Hot so maybe I'll just put on a sweater and boots and…Oh, I shouldn't have done that.
Now I'm back in the trap again. Cold. No, wait! See it's not so bad--especially when the fall colors are so pretty and you've bought an incredibly expensive new coat / hat / scarf / gloves. Yeah this is good. And the snow! It doesn't even feel cold! Oh Wait. It's dark all day and you're freezing outside and overheated inside and that pretty day of snow turned to black slush and…
I swear. I swear I'm done with Cold. Forever! Gonna break up and…Happy Spring, darling-- I brought you these daffodils. I PROMISE! This year it'll be different.
'Til then, bundle up. Or-- you have my permission to two-time on Cold and go somewhere Warm for Spring Break.
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Special hat tip to reader Julie F. for our new Category Heading this week…Women! They're Just Like Men! And to faithful contributors Lisa, Lucy, Julie, Elyse, Emily, as well as so many others -- Thank you! All, please keep sending me stuff you think is interesting here.
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See you next week, when Spring will have officially Sprung.
Shudu, The World's First Digital Supermodel Has Arrived, and Here's What You Need To Know via High Snobiety
Everything You Need To Know About The Theranos Scandal So Far via Wired
The Rise And Fall Of Elizabeth Holmes and The Black Turtleneck via The New York Times
Gina Haspel, Trump's Choice For C.I.A., Played Role In Torture Program via The New York Times
We Leaned In. Now What? Five Years Later via Bloomberg Businessweek
Ivanka Trump Backed Flynn and Manafort. She Discussed Firing Comey. How Has She Evaded Mueller's Investigation? via The Intercept
At The Fox News Site, A Sudden Focus On Women Sex Offenders via The New York Times
How Google Maps Leads Women Seeking Abortions Astray via Gizmodo
Wisconsin Governor Wins Praise For Breastfeeding Her Baby In Campaign Ad via Adweek
How To Let Girls Take The Lead In Activism via Salon
Women Lose Out To Men Even Before They Graduate From College via Bloomberg
Looking At Children's Programming Through A #MeToo Lens via CNN
Salma Hayek: Frida Doesn't Need This Barbie Makeover via Jezebel
The National Book Critics Circle Winners Are Announced. And They're All Women via The Los Angeles Times
Sailor J: The YouTube Beauty Star Skewering The Patriarchy via The Daily Beast
Wikipedia's Forgotten Women: Inside The Editing Marathon To Fix Imbalance via The Guardian
The History Of Wearing Pants As A Power Symbol via The Huffington Post
The LZ Sunday Paper™ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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