LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Top 10" Edition

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Dearest Readers,
I'm going with a tried-and-true Top 10 format, this week. In the four-plus years I've been doing this newsletter, this week was the closest I've ever come to not sending it out. On any number of other weeks it would have been much more understandable. Wild travel, Mailchimp disasters, spotty internet, heavy workload, illness, funerals, holidays, graduations and a host of other excuses. Just a re-prioritizing of most of the above (no funeral, thank goodness), plus the addition of an even-more-fabulous-than-expected Saturday night 50th birthday party, caught me a bit short. But I pulled it out for you. And for myself. I love doing this.
Here's the Top 10 most important news items by and about women in business, politics, and the best of High/Low culture.
The 37th State Just Ratified The Equal Rights Amendment For Women--36 Years After The Deadline via Fortune
Why We Need Older Women In The Workplace via The Cut
How Technology Companies Alienate Women During The Recruiting Process via Stanford Graduate School Of Business
Roseanne Could Be A Turning Point For Conservative Women via The Daily Beast
Why The C-Word Is So Taboo, and Why Some Women Want To Reclaim It via The Washington Post
"Who Is She?" How "Killing Eve" Challenged the 'Girl-Power' Trope via The Ringer
Vivienne Westwood May Hate The Documentary About Her, But Audiences Won't via Fashionista
Rafael Nadal Is The King Of Clay. Why Isn't There A Queen? via The New Yorker
#MeToo: The Story Of A Trainer, A Trophy, and An All-To-Common Betrayal via The Chronicle of The Horse
9 Women Share Their Biggest Fears About Their Fertility via The Cut
Girlhood Across America, Captured By One Photographer via The New York Times
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For a different perspective entirely, follow me here on @LZFloors.
See you next week! Maybe back to Classic Format, maybe we'll stick with this for a while-- let me know what you think!
Oh, and I just can't help myself. How classic is this pic? It goes with the "Clay" article from The New Yorker, above. And just for good measure, let's compare it to Superhero Serena. Amazing. Click on her pic to read another great piece. Okay, buh-bye for realz!

The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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