LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Unpredictable Storm, Very Predicatble News" Edition

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As recently as Wednesday, the Apple weather app predicted bright, sunshine-emoji'ed days for the entire Labor Day Weekend. Friday was cool and crisp, not has hot as promised, but sparkly and nice. Saturday started out cloudy, windy, and damp. In fact, the beach community I was in had a "voluntary evacuation" due to the encroaching storm headed up the East Coast. Hatches were battened, pronto! And we bolted.
Truth is, we had already planned an "involuntary evacuation" due to the mandatory Sunday trip for two college drop-offs. Returning to New York City a mere 50 miles from said distressed beach community (where the Softball Championships were moved up and the Firehouse Pancake breakfast cancelled!) the weather was 100% different: spectacular sunshine, almost cloudless. Tomorrow is as yet unknown.
Weather is really boring to talk about. Sorry! The point is actually that, whether by new-fangled electronic surveillance, red light cameras, personal step-counters, period trackers, computer parental controls, or innumerable other apps and what-have-you, we seem to be seeking ways to control every last waking breath of our lives. And with sleep apps all the rage, I guess every sleeping breath, as well.
"Weather" is a good reminder that there are forces beyond our marionette-string reach. Disease is another. The unpredictability of human nature is another. All uncontrollable, ultimately. Lucky for me this weekend only mother --not human-- nature had an effect on our plans. And let's not even tweak the stuffy nose of disease by pointing out that so far, this weekend, so good.
Like a hostess who has a last minute fear that she has radically under prepared enough food for her dinner party, most weeks I have an irrational suspicion that I will not have collected enough news for my readers. Suffice it to say that that situation has never, not once, come close to occurring. Maybe one day the world, and the weather, will stop being insane and I'll have nothing to report. Not this week.
Each week, there is enough for second helping of news by and about (but not exclusively for) women in business, technology, media, film, tv, fashion, sports, literature and general pop culture. At least until November, you can gorge on political coverage, as well.
An exceptional number of great subscriber-sent items this week, many of which are the most amusing. Love that. Thank you.
For more news during the week, follow me @LZSundayPaper.
Keep sending any items of interest or send questions/comments: here.
Though I haven't been posting much, you should follow me at my @LZSundayPaper Instagram. If you enjoy floors, or just looking down, then you might enjoy @LZFloors.
Enjoy going back to school and/or work, if you're not back already,

Trapped In Tollbooths, Targets Of Harassment via The New York Times
Donald Trump's Despicable Anti-Muslim Huma Abedin Smear via The Daily Beast[
](http://fortune.com/2016/08/10/elizabeth-warren-donald-trump/)One Problem With The Drudge Report Picture Of Hillary Clinton Hugging Huma Abedin: That's Not Huma Abedin via Slate
The Case Against Jill Stein via Rolling Stone
America's Opinion Of Hillary Clinton Hits Record Low…But Donald Trump's Favorability Rading Is Even Lower via Time
Why Clinton Will Always Have Low Favorable Ratings, No Matter What She Does via The Washington Post
Why Women Who Want To Be Leaders Should Dye Their Hair Blonde, According To Science via Inc.
On Black Women's Equal Pay Day, Media Highlight Plight Of Women Of Color In The Workplace via Media Matters
When Tech Firms Judge On Skills Alone, Women Land More Job Interviews via CNET
More Than 50 Pregnant Women Have Zika In NYC via New York Magazine
A Chat With Stephanie Hannon, CTO For Hillary Clinton via Product Hunt
Brock Turner Released From Jail After Serving Half Of Six-Month Sentence In Stanford Sexual Assault Case via The Los Angeles Times
Stay Woke: Sustaining Feminist Organising In An Uncertain World via Open Democracy
TComedy Central's Impromptu Roast Of Ann Coulter via Salon
Lena Dunham and Amy Schumer Team Up For An Embarrassing Chat Between Friends via Jezebel
Hillary Clinton Recalls 'Painful' Personal Moments In The Whitehouse via Politico
A 19th Century Dress Submerged In The Dead Sea Becomes Gradually Crystallized With Salt via Colossal
'Now Be Here' Takes A Portrait And Makes A Gender Statement via The New York Times
Yuja Wang And The Art Of Performance via The New Yorker
The Redemption Of The Jewish Mother via Slate

Meet The Man Inside The Mad-Woman, Gayle Waters-Waters via Forbes
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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