LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Variant" Edition
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Dateline: 4/18/21
Dear Subscribers,
Next Sunday 4/25 is Oscar Night! No one is sure who has seen what movies -- so many titles, so few screens -- and awards show ratings have been dreadful during this Covid year. But maybe, just maybe, you've watched a couple and read about a couple more. Would that make you care who wins what for which movie? Maybe, especially with a historic number of women and movie subjects of color up for so many awards in the major categories this year. And I, for one, am greatly interested in the possible outcomes for the female actor categories.
I thought it was a bad decision to include many more than the historic 5 contenders for the Best Picture race each year. The decision was meant to broaden the appeal of the Oscars, nominate more movies that had both broader popular appeal, rather than just critical acclaim; and to get movies with more diverse subjects, cast, and crew nominated. And thus, maybe get more people to care about watching the show. But instead I think it makes the race diffuse and too finely parses the votes so that nothing feels like an overwhelming favorite. I'd rather have seen the Academy's feet held to the fire to include more diverse nominees of the original five in the category. The decision had to have happened because the hoped for diversification of the Academy's voting membership never happened, and could not have organically supported that. I wonder if one day there will be a world in which the Best Picture nominee list will be a world without Mank.
Maybe, just maybe I would have fulfilled my dream of creating a fabulous female-centric Oscar Pool that all my friends, family, and LZSP readers could enter. I could Patreon or SubStack my Pool and take contributions to enter and pay it out in clever ways, to worthy prosocial organizations. But this week I Manked myself and got too busy so I will borrow from these super clever folks who have a great, fun one you can enter here. Paul and Kyle, whoever you are, thank you! Let's see if an LZSP subscriber can knock the previous winners off their pool-topping perch!
I'll include it again next Sunday, in case you, possibly like me, run out of time this week to even enter, let alone craft a Pool. In the meantime, before you peruse their lists, enjoy this list of the absolute most interesting and important news about, by and for women in Politics, Business, Tech, Science, Sports, the Arts and Pop Culture.
Email me with your recommendations or any articles, photos, or videos you come across that you think I need to see.
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This nearly completely post-vaxxed family is getting ready for a first trip in 14 months. Let's see if the world can try not to implode itself before take-off.
See you next Sunday, from the runway, hopefully!
The 'Founding Mothers' Of NPR via Next Avenue
What Is Infrastructure? It's A Gender Issue, For Starters. via NPR
FDA Lifts Curbs On Dispensing Abortion Pills During Pandemic via Politico
I'm The Head Of Planned Parenthood. We're Done Making Excuses For Our Founder. via The New York Times
My Gloria Steinem Story via Our Rhythm Our Blues
Three Dudes Create Pink Gloves To Dispose Of Tampons & Just…WTF? via Scary Mommy
Are 'Brands' The New Mansplainers? via Creative Review
CBS News Veteran Kimberly Godwin Named President of ABC News via Axios
How Are There Only Three Lesbian Bars In New York City? via The New York Times
The British Media Narrative Of Prince Philip's Death Is About Meghan Markle via Vox
Listen: How Zoe Kazan, Roxanne Gay, and Alison Bechdel Dealt With A Year Of Covid via Slate
Romancing The Screen: Could A 'Bridgerton' Effect Give The Romance Genre A Hollywood Ending? via EW
She's 94 Now, But At 17 Her Voice Was Magical. Have a Listen. via The New York Times
Grower Profile: Milkweed Tussock Tubers via Hudson Valley Seed
Pitcher Hope Trautwein Throws a Historic Perfect Game Of All Strikeouts via NPR
The WNBA Has Pulled A Controversial Jersey Days After Unveiling It. Here's Why Many Found The Design Problematic via Time
What A Literary Left Wing Legend Left Behind via Lilith
'The Struggle Continues.' A New Generation Pays Homage To 1960's Activist Patricia Stevens Due. via The Washington Post
This Remarkably Ordinary Woman Took Photos With Hundreds Of Celebrities and Her Scrapbook Is A Work Of Art via Artnet
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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