LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "White & Gold: Do Mine Eyes Deceive Me?" Edition
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Last week I wrote a piece for Linked In. It's a platform that produces thousands and thousands of articles, seemingly each day! It's about "Impostor Syndrome" a topic I covered in a clip last week in the LZSP. I am very fascinated by Impostor Syndrome (I.S.), which is when people feel they are less capable than their professional position demands and that they've somehow gotten to a position they don't deserve. According to scientific research, this is something that is more likely to affect women.
It's funny, I feel like I know more people who actually have Inverse Reversal Impostor Syndrome (I.R.I.S.), which many refer to in the workplace vernacular as "Blowhard Syndrome" or "Can You Believe This Guy Got A Promotion? Syndrome," whereby the person thinks they are super-amazing at their job and tells everyone that all the time. I won't say which gender I think is more afflicted with this strain of the disease but I'm sure research would prove me right.
My Linked In post did pretty well, from a number-of-views standpoint. But not as well as "The Virality Of #TheDress Explained," the post that was promoted directly after mine when I looked at it today to make sure the link to my own story worked.
The #TheDress author's piece does a pretty good job making a case for a mix of science and art behind the term "viral." But it still doesn't explain why I see the dress that broke the internet as Gold and White when really it's Black and Blue.
It also doesn't explain how I feel about spending more and more time on all kinds of digital platforms finding out things like why dresses appear different colors in different photographs and why things like that dress "go viral" in the first place.
Last week, one of my Facebook friends announced that she had given up Facebook for Lent. A pang of jealousy passed through me. I had not previously thought seriously about converting to Catholicism before.
You know how when the price of gas drops, as we are now experiencing, there are lots of news stories about how that puts more money in people's pockets and then we wonder what they will spend their newly saved dollars on?
Well, I am wondering what I would spend my extra time on if all of a sudden the amount of my time spent (and by "spent" I hereby admit I mean "wasted") on Facebook and other social media went way down. I bet alot of things. Maybe not a thing like "write a novel" but probably some small, incremental but meaningful achievements that fall by the wayside when fifteen minute chunks of time get eaten up eight times a day, and solid chunks of formerly constructive productivity gets shredded into a million "likes."
What should I give up?
I have a very good excuse for keeping Twitter and my RSS feeds because that is how I discover much of each week's Sunday Paper content.
I have a pretty good excuse for the unsatisfying timesuck otherwise known as Words With Friends. Many articles I read on the aforementioned News feeds say that the brain activity of crosswords will stave off Alzheimer's. Okay. Excuses already starting to get flimsier.
Snapchat (keep up with the kids and continue to assess the sanity/insanity of its recent 19 BILLION-dollar valuation)
Instagram (My version of the common "win lotto" fantasy is more like "win a MacArthur Grant" to pursue my "floors" instagram art dream. Oh and btw last week I branched out with a picture of a Door, so my oeuvre is really expanding there.) Hey, ya never know.
Linked In (what can I say about my favorite professional melting pot? if you think that getting "verified" by Twitter makes me feel "validated," you can imagine that getting "endorsed" for skills I don't even have, by total strangers, is even more of a high).
Fresh Direct (hey it takes alot of browsing and shopping to keep up with our needs for 3x/week deliveries and I know it still takes less time than going to the supermarket. I'm not dropping this one but @freshdirect: the new release of the mobile app is very buggy and we received 3 Camemberts).
Oh and by the way, remember Mad Libs? Well in case you are looking for more, rather than less, ways to waste time, I recently discovered that they have a really fun APP!
Maybe Operation Time Efficiency will not be so easy to achieve, after all. I guess I should put "browsing in the App Store" on the top of my here's-what-i'm-gonna-give-up list for Lent/Pre-Passover.
Well, I will get rid of a few of these off my phone this week and report back on my increased productivity.
One thing I urge you not to give up isThe LZ Sunday Paper. It is supposed to actually make you more efficient, as we cull the most interesting and important news about women in business, politics, digital, tech, media, music, tv, film, fashion, sports, and culture--all in one place. Plus you usually get a laugh out of it without having to watch a sit-com or cat video.
You can find the most recent copy of the paper and the Archive at LZSundayPaper.com. You can follow me or tweet me on my newly verified account at @LZSundayPaper. PLEASE--send me a note or an item you think I should see at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
See ya. // LZ.
Oh, and P.S. It's MARCH. Here's things I bet I will think about in March: March Madness (basketball); March Madness (just general anger); St. Patrick's Day (a different kind of Madness); SXSW (Austin Mad-capness); Spring Break (pros and cons); March (how long a month it is--further madness (craziness) and madness (anger) will ensue if it stays this cold).
One Year In: How The Getty/Lean In Partnership Is Doing via Digiday
"The top selling image with a woman in 2007 was that of a woman alluringly sprawled across a bed, covered in nothing but a white sheet."
Hillary Clinton Still Doesn't Inspire Silicon Valley via Venture Beat
“Nearly 8 years after the heart of the tech industry overwhelmingly favored Barack Obama, his former contestant, Hillary Clinton, was back in Silicon Valley pitching her solutions."
Kleiner Perkins Sexism Case Hinges On Employee Reviews via The San Francisco Chronicle
"The language in her reviews, Exelrod said, did not differ much from that used to describe some of her more successful male colleagues."
Why The 'Women In Tech' Problem May Only Be A Silicon Valley Problem via Inc.
"For women, the hotbed of tech innovation is more likely to be New York, where the sheer of women working in tech is three times that of Silicon Valley."
Bullish On Indie.vc: Why Its New Funding Model May Just Find Product-Market Fit With Female Founders via The Li.st via Medium
"The indie.vc model seems…designed to reward and encourage many of the qualities frequently cited as inherent characteristics of women entrepreneurs."
How One Lawyer Is Making A Dent In The Tech World's Gender Imbalance via Fortune
"…no organizer has openly said they oppose women speakers. But several events that he’s spoken at in the past have quietly dropped his invite."
Vivek Wadhwa, Voice For Women In Silicon Valley, Is Foiled By His Tone via The New York Times
"He said he was under assault by 'extremist feminists.' "
Vice Media To Launch 'Broadly,' Its First Female-Focused Channel via The Hollywood Reporter
"Vice chief creative officer Eddy Moretti noted…that the company is becoming 'less dude.' "
Man Who Made Thousands Posting Women's Stolen Nudes Goes After News Sites That Posted Pictures Of Him via The Washington Post
"Welcome to the revenge p%@n victim’s dilemma! And good luck with that, buddy."
Strippers Go Undercover On Snapchat via The New York Times
"…while Twitter and Facebook don’t allow people to send money, both are popular with p*&n actors who want to engage with fans."
Maria Bartiromo On Building A Career As A Broadcast Journalist And Entrepreneur via Forbes
"A strong journalist is one who does not report rumors, one who triple checks everything they write or report, one who is skeptical and doesn’t believe everything they hear…"
'Fifty Shades Of Grey' Is A Great Dating Guide via New York Magazine
"All of dating is just, ‘How much of a freak is this guy, and am I okay with it?’ "
Diversity Sells--But Hollywood Remains Overwhelmingly White, Male via The 2015 Hollywood Diversity Report via NPR
"At every level, in every arena, women and minorities are under-represented in the industry,"
The Tale Of Lupita Nyong'o's Stolen Oscars Dress Deepens via The New York Times
"The caller was telling TMZ all this, he said, because he wanted the world to know that Hollywood was “fake.”"
Patricia Arquette Undermined Her Own "Most Feminist Moment" Of The Oscars via B*Media
"Sigh. Why couldn’t she have just stopped? My initial excitement faded to disappointment, irritation, and anger."
Christina Aguilera Does An A+ Impression Of Britney Spears via Jezebel
"Christina whips out a Cher, a Britney, and a Shakira like it's no thing, reminding us all that she is rich and famous for a reason."
'Parks and Recreation's' Donna Meagle Is The Fat Heroine Of My Dreams via FlavorWire
"Donna’s cold-hearted pickiness combined with a fearless libido make for funnier running gags than fat jokes."
If You're Handed A 'Chick Sandwich,' Can You Eat It? via Matter via Medium
"If I ever find myself in this position again, is it out of line to make a move or go for it if the opportunity presents itself?"
What Ruth Bader Ginsberg Taught Me About Being A Stay-At-Home Dad via The Atlantic
"…every person who learns of his child’s first word the way I did—via text message during a late night at the office—has sacrificed immensely at the altar of professional success and financial necessity."
"Last Week Tonight" With John Oliver: The Barbie Bus via HBO via YouTube
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The LZ Sunday Paper™ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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