LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Witch Hunt" Edition

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Dear Readers,
Happy Halloween! For sure this is the scariest one in many years.
The media floodgates unleashing a torrent of stories of harassment and assault continue to reveal the deluge of pent-up, long-silenced rage and sadness. Let's see what happens in the near- and longer-term future. A period of uncertainty will most certainly follow. The range of what might or might not change, from status quo to jail time, seems pretty vast.
If you are looking to keep busy by reading or watching something else, here's a couple of grabs off my recommendation list:
Exit West -- A slender volume, billed as a refugee story, which it is, but is more essentially a contemporary love story. Most beautiful language I've read in a long time.
New season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. This doesn't exactly qualify as a recommendation but I'm watching. It's kind of painful not in a painful-in-a-good-that's-the-point way, more like maybe in an out-of-step, not so funny anymore way. I can maybe get with the absurdity/hilarity of good fatwah joke (maybe), but maybe not so much along with:
--Larry's disabled female office assistant being unfireable, so she is passed along to another unwitting boss
--providing a white, wholesome hooker for a teen boy as a remedy for his inability to masturbate
--a headboard-banging affair and the snookering of wives, in general
--and the verbal dissection of who gets to be the bride and the groom in a gay woman's wedding.
And that's just the first four episodes. Again--I get it! I do! I get that that's the point. And I'm watching! But maybe it's just not striking me as so funny right now through the lens of the show's relentlessly narrow definition of what being female is, acceptable to the spokesmen of the straight white male folk. Doesn't help that the men (sorry Larry, sorry Jeff Garlin) are gross looking and the women are traditionally beautiful/pretty except the disabled woman and the lesbian who of course in this universe are not. It brings the "every man (who's a "4") thinks he deserves a "10" kind of thing right up close and it's terrible.
Moving on to Movies! Yes they are still making them and trying to get us to see them. My only news is that we pre-bought our Star Wars "The Force Whatever" tickets for December and they are, no joke, 31 bucks a piece. What? How many "MM's," "D's" and "K's" is this worth (as in 70MM/4D/8K/Imax baloney that noone even wants)? Well anyway we are seeing it. Will report back.
Happy Halloween! I'm hoping to gauge my candy bowl just right, somewhere in between running out in the first half hour and having two shopping bags' worth at the end.
In the meantime, I'm happy to present low cost, high-value, high quality content for you! Where each week I expose and recirculate important, interesting, essential news about women in politics, business, media, and tech, along with a dose of ultra-relevant culture.
You can always use the tip-line here, for anything you'd like to send me.
Follow me on Twitter to get a daily fix. I'll be tweeting three hours earlier since I'll be on the West Coast most of the week!
I am on Insta @LZSundayPaper.
Or follow me @LZFloors There's always something interesting out there, even when things are looking down.

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Vintage Halloween Pictures Prove It Was Always Provocative via W
James Toback's Combative On-The-Record Denial via Rolling Stone
Serial Harasser Mark Halperin Targeted College Girls, Too via The Daily Beast
Leon Wieseltier Was Always Hiding In Plain Sight via Splinter
Weighing The Costs Of Speaking Out About Harvey Weinstein via The New Yorker
Harvey Weinstein and The Economics Of Consent via The Atlantic
Moguls and Starlets: 100 Years Of Hollywood's Corrosive, Systemic Sexism via The Guardian
Terry Richardson's A-List Feminist Enablers: Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and More via The Daily Beast
We're Going Through Hell, and Men Need To Join Us There via Longreads
Tech Conference Defends Inviting Convicted Woman Beater to Speak via The Daily Beast
VC Firm Draper Fisher Jurveston Investigating Co-Founder For Sexual Harassment via Bizjournals.com
City Councilman Pushing To Make It Explicitly Illegal For NYPD Cops To Have Sex WIth Someone In Custody via The Daily News
Judge Said Sex Complainant Was 'Overweight' and Probably 'Flattered' By Attention via Vice
Laura Ingraham Is Ready To Rev Up Fox News via The New York Times
She Knew She'd Deliver Her Son While She Was In Jail. She Didn't Expect To Do It In Chains via Cosmopolitan
Now In Her 70's, First Black Ivy League President Finds Her Third Act via The Chronicle Of Higher Education
Woody Allen's New Film Includes A Relationship Between An Adult and A 15-Year Old Girl via IndieWire
The Director Behind This Year's Other Must-See Wonderwoman Movie via Wired
Roy Price Canceled 'Good Girls Revolt.' For The Show's Stars It's 'Horribly Meta.' via The Washington Post
Kelly Reichardt: The 'Western Feminist' Is Also Really Into Trains via The Drunk Feminist
Jezebel, Leading Voice On Feminist Issues, Names New Top Editor via The New York Times
Winner Of High School Golf Tournament Denied Trophy, Because She's A Girl via NPR
Women Respond Better Than Men to Competitive Pressure On The Tennis Court via The Harvard Business Review
Groundbreaking Scientist Whose Research Helped Earn Her Husband A Nobel Prize, Dies at 95 via Jezebel

Those Viral Thong Jeans Have Been Made Into A Halloween Costume via People
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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