LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "Yonder" Edition

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Happy New Year, Readers!
I trust that for you, like me, the late December break feels like it was months, not days ago. The 60-degree weather here in NYC contributes to that, as does the fun yet always surprising and sometimes overwhelming re-entry into the long winter stretch called January.
To make the weeks pass 'til whatever it is you're looking forward to (my birthday? Black History Month? Spring Break?) or other festive and celebratory event, here is some of the media I've consumed on various plane rides, nurse-a-cold early bedtime sessions, the endless meal prep/dishwasher loading/unloading in the kitchen, and the car:
Little Women: yes, I have a screener so I didn't see it in the theater, but you should.
Cheer: the best docu-series--story, cast, arc-- I have seen in a long while and one, a rare event, that I'm jealous I had nothing to do with!
The Politician: it's taken me quite a while to understand that this Ryan Murphy show isn't his version of House of Cards which the name and marketing made me think, but is a delicious high school soap: 'Glee' meets 'Election.'
The Dream: Season 2: I loved season 1 which was about good old fashioned "MLM's," or pyramid selling schemes, but the first couple of episodes about the wellness industry are relatable and made me think. I thought Episode 2 was one of the best podcast episodes of any series. If you are stuck in the all-politics or mostly-crime (blech) loop, just listen to this one ep and see.
For a quick re-visit to something you may have missed over the Holidays, I really enjoyed this episode of This American Life. Ira Glass' intro was for me the best part, so just listen to that if you don't have time for another hour. It struck home, so to speak, as both a child and a parent.
'Drive Your Plow Over The Bones Of The Dead,' by Olga Tokarczuk. Cheery title, I know! She won the Nobel Prize so I'm not exactly uncovering undiscovered territory, but I just loved this book. It's Olive Kittredge-esque, but even more poetic, with a little 'Fargo' thrown in.
Hopefully you are excited that the Newsletter is back after my holiday / new year break. Put it back into your Sunday routine as you peruse today’s most important, thought-provoking news about women in politics, news, business, media, health, the arts, and pop culture. Hand-picked by me, for you.
Send me comments, along with articles, photos, or videos you think I need to see here. If you are not already, click here to become a subscriber.
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Soberly yours, 12 days into Dry January!

100 Women vs. Harvey Weinstein via The Cut
The Looming Question In Rape Law After Harvey Weinstein via The Wall Street Journal
Can Elizabeth Warren's Selfie-Taking, Plan-For-That Campaign Win Her The Nomination? via Vogue
A Democrat Who Can Beat Trump via The New York Times
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Declares She's 'Cancer Free' via The Washington Post
Deceased GOP Strategist's Daughter Makes Files Public That Republicans Want Sealed via NPR
Samira Ahmed Wins BBC Equal Pay Tribunal Rules via The BBC
Challenging Our Gendered Ideas Of Mentorship via The Harvard Business Review
The High Cost Of Having A Baby In America via The Atlantic
Second U.S. Baby To Be Born From A Dead Donor's Uterus Is Delivered via The New York Times
Dear Men Who Are Afraid To See 'Little Women:' You Can Do This via The Washington Post
Cate Blanchett Fights The 'Feminist Totalitarian Nightmare' In 'Mrs. America' Trailer via Vulture
Awkwafina Made History With Her Golden Globe Win For 'The Farewell' via Vox
Lizzo Makes History As The First Female Headliner Of Bonnaroo via Teen Vogue
The Zora Canon: The 100 Greatest Books Written By African American Women via Zora via Medium
Lori Loughlin Hires Prison Expert To 'Learn The Ropes' If She Serves Time via People
The Glorious, Messy Life Of Liz Wurtzel via The Atlantic

Bertha Von Suttner: Remembering The First Woman To Win The Nobel Peace Prize via The Independent
The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes high and low, not much in between. Our audience is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect to deliver at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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