LZ Sunday Paper Newsletter: The "You Just Put Your Lips Together And Blow" Edition


Did you mean…? No Google, I Didn't…August 2014.
Via @EmilyMcMc
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Readers, friends, "followers," "friends," "Connections," and other real life and social media acquaintances:
Thank you for this week's large number of what I deem high-quality "crowd-sourced" submissions. It makes for a highly engaging Sunday Paper with even wider perspective than usual.
In order to get our readers quickly on to…reading, I was thinking that this would be a good week to not write very much at the top of the Paper. Then I read this, which is a great piece about how terrible it is to be a writer. I don't think I needed to hear that writing is difficult and makes you feel highly unconfident. But a reminder is always very helpful. In fact I am thankful for it, as it bolstered my confidence in my decision to not write very much.
Curveball: I'm going to leave this bit of bloggery somewhat poorly written to make sure that a) noone confuses me with being an actual writer and b) you to get on with your full perusal's worth of Sunday Paper-ness .
So here it comes-- our normal progression of interesting, well-written stories by and about, but not exclusively for, women. From business and politics, to digital, media, and on into fashion, sports, & culture. Zigging where others might zag, we seem to be taking a slight break from movies and even tv, one week pre-Emmys.
Do keep sending interesting stuff you think we may have missed, or might make us laugh. And tell people you think will enjoy it to sign up at LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
In addition to actively not being a writer, I also very much do not have a Tumblr, Instagram, or a professional Facebook page. So just follow it/me/us @LZSundayPaper, where I infrequently tweet.

With Lauren Bacall's Death, All 16 Of The Icons Name-Dropped In Madonna's 'Vogue' Are Now Gone via Slate
Fields Medal Mathematics Prize Won By Woman For First Time In Its History via The Guardian
Working Anything But 9-to-5 via The New York Times
Female Writer Faces Twitter Backlash After Asking About Tampons via Jezebel
We Have A Rape .gif Problem And Gawker Won't Do Anything About It via Jezebel
What Online Harassment Does To Women Writers And Their Partners via The Washington Post
Kickstarter Closes The 'Funding Gap' For Women via The Wall Street Journal
The Top 100 Female Financial Advisors via Barron's
Gilt Groupe Co-Founder Takes Aim At The Beauty Business via The Wall Street Journal
How Gender Changes Piketty's 'Capital In The 21st Century' via The Nation
New YouTube Boss Talks Talent, Music, and M&A [and casually reveals news of her fifth child on the way, ed. note] via Re/Code
How To Dress For The Financial Collapse: The Rise And Fall Of Juicy Couture via Hazlitt
American Apparel Adds Second Woman To Its Board via Fortune
A Makeover For The Hijab, via Instagram via The New York Times
No Thanks: 8 Products Women Have Stopped Buying via Time
Why Is It So Controversial To Help Poor Mothers Afford Diapers? via The Nation
Producers: Let's Hack Today's Systems and Better Connect Audiences To Films via Sundance.org
Aunt Jemima' Heirs Sue Pepsi, Quaker Oats for $2 Billion In Royalties via Fortune
CBS Sports Is Launching An All Female Sports Talk Show via Self via The Broadsheet
A Mound Becomes A Summit: Mo'Ne Davis Dominates At Little League World Series via The New York Times
Should Women Have To Talk Sports To Get Ahead In Business? via Forbes
Men Say 'Uh' and Women Say 'Um' via The Atlantic
Men: Get On Board With Misandry via Medium
'Lean In' For Toddlers via The New Yorker
Career Women Are Having 'Egg Freezing' Parties via The New York Post
OMG! That Camel-Toed Prancercise Grandma Is Back!! via OMGBlog

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The LZ Sunday Paperâ„¢ (soon to be registered trademarked and copyrighted) launched at the dawn of 2014. We expose and recirculate interesting content that is about, and frequently by, women in business, with a dose of ultra-relevant culture. We think that culture comes in size high, medium, and low. Our audience for this content is vast and not gender-driven. Every week we expect at least one good laugh. Send suggestions, clips, or names of people you think might enjoy this to LZSundayPaper@gmail.com.
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